18•"i have luke dick all over my mouth now"

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Just as I refocus on plan 'get the fuck out of there' I hear an obnoxious, ear shrilling ringtone that has never been louder. I freeze with fear as my dumb ass can't even react fast enough to do something, I just sit paralysed with shock as I hear my extremely loud ringtone of a crescendo of bells ring through the silent room.

I set it on loud since I got here as I found it such a struggle to get up due to jet lag, but right now I just wanted to throw my phone out of the Parisian balcony and watch it fall past the bouquets of window flowers and hanging baskets and smash into a thousands pieces on the cobbled streets below. But I couldn't even move a muscle as I prayed for my phone to just magically break.

My eyes watch Calum praying and trying to send telepathic messages to my phone to shut the fuck up when I watch a frown form on his once peaceful face, Calum groans and pats the bed beside him and I gasp silently. Is he looking for me? Does he know I'm here?

Calum stretches slowly and moves his tan body across the large bed as I hold my breath waiting for any sign of him to properly wake up or fall back asleep. I'm perched behind Margots bed as I pray and pray the wretched boy is still drunk and thinks I'm a figure of his dreams if he does spot me.

To my delight Calum squints his eyes open and I see the beginning of the chocolate brown irises wake up to the sun. My body finally does something and I kick into panic mode as I leap up quickly before he opens his eyes fully.

I could of did anything like hide, or roll under the bed but instead I attempt to dash across the floor in seconds. With legs that are the size of two pinky fingers, it's more than likely impossible.

I run across the room attempting to shove my legs into the pyjamas at the same time just to make sure I don't have a awkward half naked encounter with someone halfway down the hallway, as I'm shoving one leg while running clearly the universe isn't on my side as I go flat on my face and thump on the ground.

Besides the fact I'm sure I've broken my spine, I groan subconsciously and try to drag myself across the floor murmuring every curse word I know under my breath. I get halfway through third degree carpet burn as I pull myself across the carpet when I give up. There's no way Calum hasn't seen me or heard me as I look like a sad oversized caterpillar trying to drag itself along.

"Melissa? Is that you? Did you fall?" I hear Calum's raspy morning voice and if he didn't say those words I positively would of melted right now.

I say nothing as I'm not Melissa. I can't not admit it panged my heart when he said that, although we weren't anything we weren't nothing either and to know he's still talking to girls clearly annoys me.

"I heard you fall baby, did I really fuck you that hard?" He says in a deeper voice which I didn't think was possible and I steal a glance to see he's lying with his eyes to the ceiling and can't see me past the bed.

I rephrase what I said, to know Calum's still fucking girls is making me furious. I try to forget what he said and lie still hoping he falls asleep.

I was just a pathetic excuse for a women. I was lying here against my will hurt and betrayed over some boy who doesn't care. Suppose I wasn't as much as a groupie to Calum and I can only blame myself for falling for that shit.

"We can go again baby just let me brush my tee- Cindy? What the fuck?" I hear a voice yawn and I freeze.

I was so intertwined in my thoughts I didn't realise that Calum had got out of bed and was now standing above me as I was sprawled across the maroon carpet like some sort of lunatic.

The Internship•Calum Hood AUOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz