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3rd Person POV

Niall and the rest of the boys had fallen in to a type of depression. 2 years since they had seen their Emma. She would be 6 now. She didn't even get to start kindagarten. 

Emma was 6 and  was unhappy. She was made to go to school and fake her indentity she was suprised no one was able to know that she was the famous Emma Horan the one the boys are looking ever so hard for. 

Being kidnapped for 2 years truly isnt any fun. 


kind of short epilouge sorry. I have started the sequel. Gonna be up probaly tomorrow. 

Any title suggestions? 

Maybe i was thinking "Through the Dark" Idk



read the sequel (when its up:)

Niallers Princess

Adopted by One DirectionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora