Zoo Day

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  Nialls P.O.V.

We are on our way to the zoo and Emma is bouncing lile a crazy person in the backseat, in her carseat. Zayn was trying to get her to chill.. good luck on that mate. When we finally got to the zoo Emma looked like she was gonna explode from excitement. I went over to Emma and nealed down and asked, " Whatcha wanna see first?" "Monkwys" She screamed in my ear. " Okay lets go see the monkeys." When we got to the monkeys a fan came up and asked me for a picture of course i couldnt deny so i set emma down and got the pic. When we were done i was harshly tapped on the sholder. When i turned around their was a zoo keeper. He didnt look to happy.. "Is that your kid?" He asked pointing to a little girl with bright bue eyes staring right at me with tears. "EMMA" I yelled. "So she is yours?" Asked the zoo keeper. "YES" I replied. " Well im gonna go get her and then you and your friends will be kicked out and banned for the zoo for a month." " OK" I replied. When he finally got emma out i gave her a lecture how to never do that again. When i was done we went home and no one spoke a single word... 

IMMM SSOO SORRRY I HAVENT UPDATED IN FOREVERR. Like i said my family friend and we had a tornado come right over my small town in Alabama think goodness all we got waz wind damage!! We have to go to a basement in 5 minutes again bc theirs another one coming that waz why my chapter was soo short see you sooon.. (I HOPE) 

~Niallers Princess

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