Playdate with Cam Pt. 2

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Camerons P.O.V.

We decided since Emma was leaving at 6:00 tonight that we would do something fun. Whats more fun than Chuck-E-Cheese's where a kid can be a kid? Once all the boys were awake we went straight to the showers. Me, Matt, and Nash were all trying to bathe Emma. Sadly, she wasn't feeling it because she was crying and begging to get out the whole time. Then it hit me,  I remembered that Niall said she doesn't like baths unless they have bubbles and toys and that he had packed some. I ran over to her suitcase and dug in it. By now all the boys were in here. Probaly heard her crying. (They have rooms that are together. You just have to open the door.) They were sitting on the bed with questioning looks on their faces."Bathtime" was all I said and they understood. 


Now we are on are way to Chuck-E-Cheese and Em can't stop rambling about how fun it is and how Carta had agreed to go down the slide with her. We were all in hysterics. She just had a questioning look on her face and a pout. "What are you laugwing at I likwe to laugwh too." She pouted. "Hey don't pout" I said kissing her pouty lip. 


We were now on our way back from Chuck-E-Cheese. Emma was asleep in the backseat. We were on our way to Nialls when we got a phone call. I answsered it and it said. "Hi is this Cameron Dallas" "Yes it is" "Okay, this is London Hospital and we were calling because..."


Cliffhanger:(      Im gonna try to update Monday:) I was gonna update tomorrow but I dont think ill have time because it is fathers day. I'm gonna do a few parts of this.? Maybe? How about that?? What do you think will happen? Why did the hospital call Cameron.?



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