Fourth Year

625 14 2

(Warning this chapter includes violence and blood)

A/n: Unedited 


It was a normal afternoon at the clinic a few people have been in and out with simple problems. Emily walked around checking in on everyone. The clinic was quiet as the pations rested and the rest of the clinic workers sat and ate lunch. Emily had just finished a back room when she heard the clinic doors slam open and several me shouting. Emily quickly takes out the small handgun she consieled and took the safty off. It clicked softly and she made her way out of the room sloched and running silently. She headed for the front desk where they kept a phone, after many different turns she was at the front of her clinic from where she hid she could see two large men standing with guns pointed at some of her staff . Emily stood quickly and shot one of the men in the back of the head he fell dead to the ground the other man turned around to Emily, Emily shot the man in the chest he requilled in pain but did not fall he fired a shot hitting Emily directly in the shoulder she screamed out in pain and fell to the ground cluching her arm. The man ran out of the clinic leaving only blood one of the staff members rushed to you.

Staff Member:" corporal are you alright" she nodded her head 

Em:" I need a tornique and some bandages now" she chocked out the staff member ran to a room then back now brandashing bandages some of the others came too and rushed to help their wounded superior two people began to work on the arm while Emily advised them on what to do after all they where all med students. They fasened the tourniqet to Emily's arm and cleaned the wound once the blood was cleared away a small star shaped hole met the light.

Em:" Now i didn't feel thebullet leave my shoulder so get some twesers and a mirror" they follow her orders and bring her back the things she asked for she gave one of the students the mirror and examed herself surly enough there cerntily was some of the caseing left in there she reached the twesers and with some painfull screams she removed the shrapnale at this point the bleeding stopped so they wraped it then with the left over wraping made a sling.

Em:" desmond make a call to base and alert them of the attack" a tall lengthy man with glasses nodded and whent behind the counter and placed the call.



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