Chapter 1

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*Lily POV*

Hi, my name is Lily Woods. I am 16 turning 17 in one day. That's when I have to shift. I got told that when I turn 17 I have to go find my mate. Anyways I am a white wolf. I don't know what that means. I will find out.Hopefully. I always feel weird around my family. Sometimes I feel I am not their real daughter but I try to push that's aside. I go to school with my friends. Rose and Tris. I got up with my alarm clock scaring me to death. I went in the bathroom taking a nice hot burning shower. I got out putting on red skinny jeans and a black tank top. I straightened my hair and went downstairs.

"Good morning mother, "I said

"Good Morning sweetie. How did you sleep."Mom said

"I slept ok," I said

I grabbed a granola bar and started eating it. We barley have food in the house so I wait till I go to school.

"Love you mother. See you after school."I said walking out

I started to walk to school.

"Hey. Do you want a ride to school?"Blake asked

"Sure," I said going in the car. I gave him a hug. He tensed up.

"What's wrong," I said

"Nothing. Let's go to school."He said changing the conversation.

All my classes went by fast. I walked outside waiting for my brother. He comes walking out. He is so hot. I should not be saying that about my brother but I can't help it. I got in the car.

"How was your day?"I asked

"It was good. How about yours."He said

"It was good."I lied

"What happened."He said

"I got lunch detention for English, "I said

"You bad girl."He said having a grin on his face.

He stopped the car. I opened the door and ran upstairs. I had a lot of homework to do. 1-hour past. It was almost time for me to go to bed. I packed up my stuff. Striped down to my underwear and shirt. I got into my blankets and fell asleep.

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