Very Good Morning America

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Being praised for the couple of the year by the fans and even other people, you and Stefani were now going strong for 4 years. The media was always thirsty for the details and with tou both being quiet for weeks from social media made everything curious. Stefani had an appointment with Bradley Cooper to go by GMA for an interview about ASIB. She arrived with Bradley and got greeted by hordes of little monsters. They quickly made their way into the studio filled with more people. The hosts greeted them and gave them a seat for the interview. After discussing the things they were allowed to say about ASIB, the host turned to Stefani. "Gaga, we have to talk about this one thing.. you and (Y/N)." Stefani nodded quietly and sighed softly. "Yeah.." "What's going on with you both? We haven't heard from you nor your girlfriend in a while." Stefani fiddled with her clothes and looked at Bradley for a brief.

"Well, things happend and (Y/N) is not really my girlfriend anymore." The audience gasped and everyone went quiet for a moment, even Bradley raised his brows. Stefani looked around before raising her hand, exposing a ring with a big stone on it. "She is my fianceé now." She giggled and the audience cheered. "Is that really true?! My gosh, congratulations you both!" The host said before applauding herself. Bradley half hugged Stefani and congratulated her too. Stefani was chuckling and finding the right camera. "I know you're watching, (Y/N). I love you." She blew a kiss as everyone was still going insane.

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