Surname Trouble

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You sat on the opposite side of her reading the last pages of your book, her green eyes staring onto the screen of her phone. Gaga pursed her lips as she sighs. "Germanotta." She said softly without giving you any look. You rolled your eyes back as you too let out a huff. "(Y/L/N)." You mummble as you look up at her from your book. Koji, your bulldog who was soundlessly asleep next to you woke up from the sound of your voice and crawled onto your lap. You softly pet his head as he softly snorted and closed his eyes again.

Gaga had lowered her phone to look at you. "Germanotta," "(Y/L/N)," you quickly followed after. "Stef, come on we talked about th-" "Germanotta!" She snapped as she grinned. "(Y/L/N)!" You said a little louder. "Germanotta!" "(Y/L/N)!" "Germanotta!" "(Y/L/N)!" "Germanotta!" "(Y/L/N)!"

Florence who stayed over walked back into the room from the kitchen with a cup of coffee, watching you both get even louder discussing. She looked over to Anthony who was sitting outside with a cup of tea. Florence slowly walked out and closed the door behind her. "What is going on between them?" Anthony looked up to her after sipping from his cup. "Hm? Them? Oh, they're fighting over whose last name they're going to pick when they get married." He said cooly before looking back into the garden. Florence sat down and raised her eyebrows. "Oh that makes sense.." she said before she drank her coffee.

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