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TW: Anxiety, Burn-out


The promotion came just in the time of need, with Stefani being fired from her job at the local restaurant as a bartender, the income was getting slimmer.

Since it happened stress had taken a toll on Stefani's health and was in need of rest, the long hours she used to work non stop seemed to had been shoved onto your back twice as heavy, but you didn't mind. "As long as she's healthy."

Days at the facility, working 8 to 6, coming home to a warm cooked meal and actually enjoying it together had become an unfamiliar event. Work seemed to bleed into personal time as you would take your plate to your office to work until everything was taken care off, more than you'd like.

"I will try my best." You sighed as Stefani and stopped you in the doorway of your home office, she had stopped and asked you to join her for the evening. Stefani nodded and let go of your arm before turning and slowly making her way upstairs.

You closed the door and walked to your desk, swiftly putting down your plate and silverware but quickly turning your head to the sound of a couple emails coming in, they were thread conversations from your co-workers and boss. Upon opening the messages you felt your stomach being tied in a knot; apparently the numbers of the income of the company, you had spend 3 sleepless nights on, were all wrong. You quickly responded to the messages only to see more coming in with even more numbers to write down and calculate on the spot.

For a moment you lost focus, fingertips resting on the keys as you stared at the screen. You looked over at the plate as your stomach rumbles, but you knew there was simply no time. You took a deep breath and opened up the programs to start doing everything all over again.

Hours passed, clock stroke 1 past midnight and Stefani had slumped down in bed, flashing through multiple channels trying to find anything to entertain and distract her. She couldn't bring herself to falls sleep, not without you by her side to keep her warm. Slowly she sat up on her side of the bed, slipped her feet into her slippers and soundlessly made her way downstairs.

Your eyes seemed to keep losing focus as your fingers were getting slower and slower with typing in the numbers. Your head was bobbing back and forth and your eye was twitching. Your vision became blurry, closing your eyes for a moment and you felt the tears streaming down your face. At that moment the door to your office slowly opened up.

Stefani walked in to see you sitting completely still. "(Y/N)? She said softly as she approached you, putting her hand on the back of your head, stroking gently. "Are you coming up- hey.. love what's wrong?" Stefani quickly stopped in her track and kneeled to your level next to you. You kept your eyes closed, taking a deep shaky breath in. Stefani looked over to the screen to see the inbox flooding with messages and saw the plate of now cold dinner, which seemed to be untouched, over to the right.

"I c..can't... do t..this any..anymore.." you whispered, barely getting through the sentence.

Stefani looked back at you, biting her lip in an attempt to keep her tears from falling. "W.. what's.. what happened-" Stefani was interrupted by you standing up and slamming the desk with your fists and walking to the other side of the room. "I CAN'T TAKE- I JUST CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE! T..THE WORK... THE WORK IT'S T..TOO MUCH!" You yelled, choking on your tears. Feeling as though you could throw up, holding your stomach. Stefani got up and made slow gestures to try and calm you down.

"(Y/N), listen... I know-" "N..NO YOU DON'T! Y..YOU DON'T GET IT! Y..YOU-" You stammered as your breathing became more shallow and faster, turning and resting your forehead against the wall. "You don't....understand.." you said softly.

Stefani hurried over and threw her arms around you from the back, slowly turning you to face her. Stefani tried to look into your eyes but they were shut tightly, you were shaking. You felt her warm hands on your shoulders and gave in, letting yourself fall into her embrace. "I can't... I... I can't...t...take..i can't take it.". You stammered as she softly cuddled you and petted your hair. "It's okay.." she whispered. "They shouldn't make you work this late...everyday.." Stefani whimpered and held you tighter. "B..but we're going to be okay.. you just have to tell your boss-" "!" You panicked. "I.. I'll lose my...-" "No, (Y/N)! No, you won't! We are going to talk to to your boss together, and im gonna make sure he will take it easier on you...o..on us." Stefani said, finally catching your glassy gaze as you looked at her, only seeing a blur.

You cupped your hands gently around Stefani's face and sniffed. "I'am sorry. Since that you had to quit, i haven't given you the p...proper love and attention that i should have, especially now. And all i do is work and it's because I don't want to lose...this." you said softly as your thumbs gently caressed her cheekbones. "I want you to be happy and healthy and... I realize now, I've been doing the most opposite." You sighed, Stefani squeezing you tighter and closer, pushing to lay your head down on her shoulder. "It's..okay. i get why you do it, but it must end now. At this rate, you won't even find the time to sleep or eat." Stefani said as she stroked your hair, pecking the top of your head. "Let's figure this out tommorow.. let's get you a warm plate of food alright?" Stefani kissed your head again before you lifted yourself up and nodded. "I love you.." you whispered, only to feel Stefani's warm lips pressing against yours. "I love you more."

Stefani had saved all the files and closed off your computer and office while she send you to the living room, telling you to sit down and wait. She closed the door and walked through the living room to the kitchen. She took the leftovers out of the boxes and scooped a plate-full of food to put in the microwave. When she got back she found you passed out on the couch, she sighed and nodded. She covered the plate in plastic wrap and put the plate in the fridge, tiptoeing back to the couch to grab a blanket. She slowly laid down next to you and pulled the blanket over, slowly drifting away to a new tommorow, where life would become easier.

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