Prom Secret

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The long awaited night had finally arrived, the endless search for a perfect dress and the prettiest corsage had ended and the cards were found in everyone's locker, it was prom time.

You roamed around your room, nervously fiddling with the boxed corsage. You, like everyone else, got your corsage, dress and date..but your date was the reason of your stress. Stefani Germanotta, a girl you met in freshmen year and never parted ways from. You and Stefani have been each others best friend and lover until this day but to your religious parents she was 'just a friend'. A couple weeks ago when she had already promposed to you, Stefani came with the idea.

You had finished the last touches of makeup before hearing your mother open up the door. While you stood up and grabbed the corsage you heard your mother talk to the person who stepped in, most likely Stefani who was supposed to pick you up. "So you are (Y/N)'s date for tonight?" Your mother asked. "Yes I am ma'am, my name's Jo." You heard and you quickly blushed witha soft giggle as you stood on the top of the stairs. You saw Stefani look up and her jaw dropped a little, she looked amazing herself, if you wouldn't have known you wouldn't know it was her. You looked at her as you stifled a smile, walking down the stairs.

Once you got down, Stefani picked up your hand and kissed it tenderly as the heavy makeup she was wearing wouldn't show her flushed cheeks. "You look like a princess, (Y/N)." She said in the low raspier voice she had made up. You chuckled. "Thank you, Jo.. you look very handsome yourself." You replied before you found it hard to contain your foolish smile as you wanted to leave as soon as possible. Your mother quickly grabbed her camera as you and Stefani moved closer to the door. "Wait up you two! Pictures first!" Your mother smiled. You looked at Stefani and she grinned back before wrapping her arms around you from the back, figuring it was the easiest and quickliest pose to get out from. Your mother took some picture before you quickly exchanged the corsages and walked out.

Since neither of you had your official license nor get your parents to get you some fancy vehicle, Stefani had secretly driven her friend's old scooter to pick you up. Stefani placed you up in front of her as she sat behind you, still managing the pedals and directions as she looked over your shoulder. "Bye mom!" You waved at her before Stefani quickly drove off.

As soon as you were out of sight of your parents you both started laughing uncontrollably. "We got them so good!" You yelled and Stefani quickly kissed your cheek.

You both arrived at school and parked the scooter safely in the back. Stefani was already walking away to get inside before you pulled her back. "Hey now," you chuckled before resting your arms around her neck. "Since we don't get to do this inside, Jo.." You smiled before leaning in to kiss her gently, Stefani kissed back as her hands rested on your hips before leaning back. "I hope we get to kiss in public like that one day." Stefani whispered before kissing your forehead once more. "With people like you, I don't think that will take much longer, now let's have the best night of our lives." You replied before holding onto her arm, walking proudly in the direction of the school entrance among the other couples.

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