Chapter 1

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Aros POV

"wake up honey, Wangdad made breakfast today" Tuandad said

"aish Tuandad! Its 6:00 am !" I looked at my clock and whined half asleep

"Then I guess you want to eat Wangdads awful breakfast then" he said with sassiness in his voice

I sat up quickly and gave him a stare.

" No way! I am not eating Wangdads breakfast! Aish Tuandad do you want me to die today?!" I said

" Then get up and start getting ready so we can go out and eat before Wangdad calls us for breakfast, Pale Pale!" he said

I quickly got up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face, well I got to keep my face nice and clean right? After washing up I went and grabbed a darkish lightish pink shirt with a light skin colored cardigan and a striped skirt. I quickly put on some natural looking makeup and quickly put on my shoes and ran to my parents room where Tuandad was, getting ready. I slightly open the door and saw Tuandad grabbing his phone.

" Tuandad I'm ready" I whispered

" okay let's get going" he said

We walked down to the kitchen only to see Wangdad burning the eggs and mixing up the bacon with the pancake batter. Aish Wangdad always tries his best to be a great dad and husband. I love him so much but me and Tuandad hate his food. I checked my phone to check the time and it was already 6:40 am. I nudged Tuandad to tell him we had to go.

" Tuandad we gotta go! I have school at 8:30 am today!"

" ok ok lets go!" he said

" wait but what do we tell Wangdad?" I said, I sorta felt bad for Wangdad.

" aish don't worry I got this my love" he winked at me and walked in front of me and I followed him.

" Hey honey" Tuandad said. Wangdad screamed like a little girl and made a pancake fall on his head. It was so funny seeing him like that, all of us laughed. I love my family, they are everything to me even though other kids tell me that it's weird having two dad but I don't mind I love my dads and they have cared and loved me and im thankful for them.

"Um honey I'm sorry but we have to leave early I have to leave Aro at Kira's house and I have some papers to do before a meeting so we won't be able to eat at home today" Tuandad said. I saw Wangdad turn his smile into a frown, I felt really bad but I got to admit, he is not great at cooking.

" yeah Wangdad c'mon cheer up go get dressed so we can go eat breakfast" I smiled and pulled him out of the kitchen and pushed him up the stairs.

" Pale Pale Wangdad!" I said trying to make him go quicker since he's a slow poke. After waiting for more than 20 minutes he finally came down looking handsome as always.

" ah aren't I the luckiest man to have Jackson Wang has my husband?" Tuandad said. I chuckled a little and looked at them both while they hugged.

" Of course you are Tuandad! Now let's get going or else I will be late!" I said.

------------ At The Diner------------

We had ordered our food and we were just waiting but I kept hearing my dads whispering about something.

" Jackson for the millionth time! today is not the right time!"

" but honey she has to know--"

" I need to know what ?" I asked I was curious on what they were whispering so I decided to ask. They looked at each other and then looked back at me, with a serious face.

" So honey um we been wanting to tell you something" Wangdad said. He looked really nervous, I have never seen him this nervous except when Tuandad starts asking him questions about cooking. Tuandad wanted to speak but Wangdad had stopped him. He looked down, and started playing with his hand.

" You know how me and your Tuandad tell you so much about a group band named GOT7 ? well me and Tuandad are part of of the k-pop band and we have to move back to Korea in the next two weeks and well we won't be coming back to america " he looked up and tried touching my hand that was on the table but I moved it.

I couldn't believe that they lied to me. They never told me they were part of GOT7, I thought they trusted me and now? Now I believe that they lost my trust. I trusted them and they lied to me! Right to my face!

" I'm going to school now" 

I stood up and walked out of the Dinner. My eyes started to get watery, I wanted to cry so much, I was hurt by my own parents and was lied to by my own parents.

 I heard Tuandad call my name but I kept walking ignoring him, I didn't care. Right now I didn't want to see Wangdad or him. I had walked to Min Ho's house, he's my boyfriend and has always been with me thru thick and thin I love him very much. When I reached his door, I remembered what Wangdad said.

"we have to move back to Korea in the next two weeks and well we won't be coming back to America"

Married to a Vampire // Jung Ho-seok Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum