52| Spiritual Spell...Give her my power

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(Listen to Within Temptation - Pale)

I expected her to be well. I didn’t expect this.

I finally was able to come back home. I went through heat and I wanted to be with her in every way humanly possible, but my fear was bigger than the pain I went through. I knew that I couldn’t just come back and have her as if everything was okay.

I know I caused her pain, it wasn’t my purpose to hurt her when I fled; but, I was just too afraid of falling apart in front of her. I felt useless and confused. I wasn’t able to protect her from that demon, it was torture to hear him inside me, penetrating my inner thoughts and emotions.

I felt the barrier breaking and when I least expected it, he was there like a leech, repeating those things that hurt me the most.

I got goosebumps from thinking about it again and I shivered at the thought again. I blinked and focused on the gate to the castle. I felt her pain even from all this far distance and she couldn’t feel mine, hopefully. I used lots of wolfsbane flowers to prevent both the pain and the urge to come for her. I was locked up in the cellar, the pain and burning consumed my energy. This deadly plant can kill within six hours, but the key is to not use too much or else someone will die.

Werewolves use it to weaken ourselves, like in my case, it is extremely painful but helpful. I shivered once again as I pushed the front door open and ran inside, looking for Eirisse. Her pain was gone but something happened to make me feel this way.
I looked around and saw a maid walking rather quickly down the stairs.

“What happened? Where is the princess?” I asked and rushed towards her, causing her to jump and whimper from the surprise. Her heart raced at a rather quick pace from the scare I gave her.

I walked closer and she bowed down out of respect. She gripped the small, silver bowl in her hands tighter. I looked down and saw that it held warm water with a small bloody cloth, her blood. My eyes widened in fear and I looked up into her small, furrowed eyes as she looked thoughtful.

“Speak woman,” I took hold of her elbow, making her snap out of her thoughts and look at me.

“The princess is-“

I let go off of her and hurried upstairs, these maids are seriously useless sometimes.

I skipped two stairs at a time until I reached the top and ran towards her room. I saw another maid standing on her doorway and I tapped on her shoulder, she turned around, bowed and let me through.

I walked quickly in and scanned her room, it was empty but that is when I heard rumbling in the bathroom so I went inside.

I halted and stared, my eyes wide in shock. The queen was there in a dark blue, simple dress, kneeling down before the bathtub with a neat bun at the top of her head. She carefully checked that the water was at the right temperature before she nodded. That is when I noticed two guards inside in their usual black attire.

I squinted my eyes as I saw them pick up someone from the floor. Eirisse.

“Whoah, wait, what is going on?!” I cried as I walked forward and not letting them touch her further. The queen stood up and placed her hand on my chest, stopping me from walking closer, her back to the guards.

I glanced at Eirisse and saw her unconscious, she was in a tulle, off-white, long evening dress with a deep v neck. I gulped at the sight, she looked beautiful and sexy, yet pale and sick. She wore a necklace with a rather rare, yet mesmerizing jewel. It was the color of her eyes, it shone bright against her pale skin.

Eirisse & The Witches of Luciferina BOOK I ✔[Slow Editing]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora