11| Bitter

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"What are werewolves like?" I asked, looking up at him sideways, trying hard to not blush. His face turned serious, but after a while, he smiled lightly.

"We're not like the rogues. That I can promise you." He answered shortly. He stayed quiet for a few moments, so I didn't pressure him to continue.

"So far, I know rogues are vicious and lonely." I paused, hoping he would fill in for me.

"Yes, they are. Rogues are sometimes kicked out because they are traitors, other times they are not wanted for no reason. Their life is sometimea lonely out there. They are always fighting for survival. There are also those that reunite and become part of a dark circle. Like the ones who attacked you." He stopped. I guess he didn't want to continue. That explanation was good enough for me.

"Unlike them, us werewolves have mates." I looked up at him again, surprised by his sudden continuation. I turned my body towards him, to show I was paying close attention. The sun was shinung behind him, like a spot light and it made me catch my breath.

"They are soulmates, like a once-in-a-lifetime love." Recognition made ita way to my face. Oh, so that's why Ysabelle called Logan 'her mate'. Luke looked up into my eyes and paused, staring at them deeply. This time I didn't blush, but I felt warm on the inside, he looked as if his eyes were trying to tell me something but rather not.

"Eirisse! Where are you?" Ysabelle was shouting from inside the house. After a few minutes, her figure appeared on the balcony of my room. She's finally home but interrupts me in the middle of something important. Great.

"There you are! I need to talk to you, it's important." She looked rather bothered. What could have happened? Worry filled me, and hopefully the news were not as bad as she made it sound like.

 What could have happened? Worry filled me, and hopefully the news were not as bad as she made it sound like

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"I found someone that could help you learn more about this... tattoo of yours. Maybe he can find a way to take you back home." She commented, a bit sad when she said the last part. I huess she didnt want me to leave. I smiled widely at her and almost hugged her. I could not hide the happiness I felt. This mean I could go home. Finally!

"Really?" I asked, really excited. I'm going home!

"I said maybe. Don't get your hopes up. We're going there tomorrow, so be ready, okay?" She slowly walked out of my room, revealing an emotionless Luke on the other side of the door. I looked down, feeling guilty for an unknown reason, my smile fading. His eyes looked sad, but his face wouldn't show a single tint of his emotions. If I didn't know any better I would think he would miss me.

"Don't go yet. We still haven't finished our conversation, Mr. Wolf." I teased, as he was about to leave. I felt hope as he hesitated at first. He gave me a small bright smile and walked into my room, closing the door behind him. I felt relieved when he didn't leave. I do not want to be in bad terms with him.

Eirisse & The Witches of Luciferina BOOK I ✔[Slow Editing]Where stories live. Discover now