Chapter 20- It Hurt's

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Lily’s POV

The girls stayed with me in the girl’s toilets for the rest of the day, I just couldn’t stop crying, couldn’t stop thinking, I wanted to stop breathing…

It was almost home time and the girls had gone to get my school bag and theirs. I called my mum because I wanted her to pick me up form school,

~Calling Mum~


“Hi Mum…” I sob into the phone

“Is everything ok Lily? You sound like your crying,” she asks

“I am,”

“Why honey, what’s wrong?”

“It’s Jai,” I sniffle, “He kissed his ex-girlfriend,”

“Oh my god Jamie, I’ll be there is two minutes,” with that she hanged up the phone. The girls came back with my school bag and theirs,

“Here’s your bag,” Summer passes it to me

“Thanks,” I sniffle, “My mum is going to be here soon to pick me up, so I should go,” I say grabbing my bad and standing up,

“Will walk you out,” Amber smiles.

We walk to the front gate and it’s locked, mum’s car pulls up inf ront of the gate a few seconds later.

“How you gonna get out?” Shelly asks

“Hmm, anyone got a bobby pin?”

“I do!” Summer says taking one out of her hair,

I grab it and pick the lock with it. My dad thought me last year because I literally never remember to bring my keys. I run out the gate into mum’s arms and I sobbed into her chest,

“Come on, let’s get you home,” I jump into the car and we drive home in silence, of coarse you could sniffles coming from me though. We finally arrive home and I run in and up to my room. I rapped myself in my bed sheets put a pillow over my face and cried, cried so much then I ever did before, this was the worst feeling I felt like I was going to throw up and faint. My mum came into my room; she sat on my bad and removed the pillow and sheets from my face.

“What happened Jamie?”

I said nothing

“I know he kissed his ex-girlfriend...but why?”

“…I don’t know…it’s probably not the first time…this time I caught them kissing,”

“Oh Lily…I’m sorry,”

“You were right mum, I should have listened to you…I wish I never met Jai!!”

“Don’t say that Lily,”

“Why, you’re the one that told me I shouldn’t be with him,”

“I know, I know, but he made you really happy and-”

“Happiness is over rated,” I sob, “Can you just leave me alone…I need some time alone,” I say angrily

“Sure,” she sits up from my bed and exits my room closing the door.

I grab my phone from my pocket and once again rap myself in the bed sheets. I press the side button and I have 20 notifications, all missed calls from Jai. I can’t believe he’s even trying. He left a voice message. After some debate I decided to listen to it.

~Voice Message~

“Hi Lily…It’s no surprise that you didn’t pick me your phone I just wanted to see maybe if you did. Um…I don’t really no what to say to you. I know you must really hate me right now and you probably want to chop off my head but I really need to talk to you…yeah your probably thinking right now, talk? To the bastard that kissed his ex-girlfriend, um how about no! if you kissed your ex I’d be like that too. I’m not going to tell you what happened because you saw everything and that’s what makes it even worst. But I’m just pointing out that she kissed me I would have never kissed her because you’re my girlfriend…well you were. And I love you so much and I will never stop loving you Lily Lakers.”

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