Chapter 1- New House, New Country

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-Lily's POV-

It's been a week now since I left America and I feel so alone, I'm away from my friends, family and everyone I know. When I was about 2 years old my family and I moved over here to Australia because of my Dad's work, we works for this big sales company and travelled a lot when I was little, well littler. But when I was little it didn't matter because now I can't remember any of it and what gets me annoyed is he promised that we would stay in California at least till I'm out of highschool, and well I don't know if he has noticed but I'm 14 and in year 8.

The Plan is that we are staying here in Australia for about 5 years, hopefully we don't have to move to Asia or Europe or another country. It's so unfair I've now moved 6 times as a kid, when I was 2 I moved to Australia, when I was 5 I moved to Canada, when I was 6 I moved to South America, when I was 8 I moved to India and when I was 11 I moved to Canada again and now I'm 14 and I've moved to Australia, AGAIN!!


I haven't been talking to my dad for the whole week now, my older sister hasn't either, I just can't believe he would do that to us. My older sister's name is Gemma she is 16 and in year 10 and trust me when Gem is in a bad mood you don't want to mess with her.

"Gem, Lily dinner is ready," mum shouts from down stairs,

I climb out of my bed and open the door to find Gemma right outside the door,

"Can you go down stairs and check if he is home," says Gemma in a whispered voice,


"Dad, duh?"


I stumble down stairs and quickly check while mums not looking if dad is home, I don't see him around so I text Gem

Lily-*Dad's not home u can come down*

I slip my phone in my pocket and sit at the dinner table.

I feel my phone vibrating; I slip it out of my pocket and check who is texting me, it's Gem, what does she what now?

Gem-*Ask Mum when Dad's coming home*


Gem-*Just do it*

"Hey Mum..."

"Hey Darling, what's wrong?"

"Ohh, I was just wondering when dad id coming home tonight,"

"He's not coming home till 8:30"

"Ohh, ok thanks..."

I text Gem back,

Lily-*Dad's not coming home till 8:30 u can come down now*

Finally Gem coming down stairs, giving me a smile the first out of 2 weeks, wow I must be in her good books.

"Nice of you to join us Gemma," Mum says but Gem just ignores,

"Anyways, here is your pasta, so dig in,"

After Dinner Gem and I go watch 'X-Factor' are favourite show, after about 20 minutes into the show I here a knock on the door I take one look at Gem and she knows what I'm thinking, we bolt up stairs into our bedroom. Of course it's Dad at the door, who else is going to be knocking on our door at 8:30 at night.

I put my head to my bedroom door and try and listen to Mum and Dad's conversation,

"Hey Honey," says Mum, "how was work?"

"Yeah it was good, are the girls still not talking to me?"

"Sorry dear, maybe when they go to school tomorrow they will change their minds about Australia and start to like it here in Sydney,"


After listening to their conversation I can ashore them, there is nothing good about Australia Sydney.

I jump into my bed and wriggle in the blankets and start to think about school tomorrow.... Ugh school!!!

With You ✧ Jai WaetfordWhere stories live. Discover now