Chapter 13-The Tickets

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Lily's POV

All day I've been thinking about those One Direction tickets, there is no chance I'm going to get those tickets, I mean can you imagine how many people are trying to get those tickets, lets just face facts, I'm not getting those tickets. I'm in Maths now and it's last period, I would be excited that's its last period but I have detention, I've never had detention before, I HAVEN'T EVEN GOTTEN IN TROUBLE BEFORE. My nickname at my old school in America was teachers pet, my friends use to call me that because I was like a perfect student (not bragging or anything). My friends use to get detention a lot and they said it was really boring, they use to skip school like once a week and play pranks on the new year seven's at our school. We had five minutes till period four was over, Jai was in the second row at the front of the room, he turned around and gave me the everything-is-going-to-be-ok look, he could tell that I was totally freaking out.

~Bell Ringing~

I grab my books and make my way out of the classroom and to my locker, which Jai is leaning on trying to act cool. I roll my eyes walk over to him,

"Hey!" I say simply

"Hey" Jai reply's, "So how are you feeling about detention?"


"It'll be ok, trust me, once me and Trent wagged school to go to the pool and we got detention for three days and missed out on snack and it wasn't that bad just really boring,"

"You know what one thing will make me feel better?"

"One Direction?"

"Well yes, but something else comes in a near second place," I say with a cheeky grin on my face,

"Oh I wonder what it could be..." (note sarcasm) Jai says before leaning in.

Are lips are pressed against each other and I swear, every time I kiss Jai, I fall in love with him all over again!

"Lily Lakers detention now, lets not make a double detention!" Mrs Charleston shouts obviously talking about Jai and I kissing.

"I'll see you later I gotta get home before they start the ticket contest," says Jai

"Ok, bye."

I walk over to Shelly, who is also at her locker

"Hey Shell,"

"Hey Lily, you ready for detention?"

"Ready as I'll ever be."

We walk out of the year 8 building and walk into the office, we walk down a long corridor and at the end of corridor there was a green door with a little sign that said D E T E N T I O N!!! We opened the door to see everyone already, oops! We're late! And to make matters worst Mrs Charleston it in charge of detention today, gosh aren't I lucky?

"Nice to finally see you Lily and Shelly!" Mrs Charleston says looking like she is about to explode,

"Sorry..." we both say quietly

"Just take a seat!"

There were only three seats left, there were two seats right at the front in front of Mrs Charleston and one next to this really wired kid picking his nose, I wonder what he got in trouble for??????

I plonk my backpack on the floor and sit at the front next to Shelly and this other girl who is filing her nails. I look at Mrs Charleston who is on her laptop, probably doing my report, saying how terrible I am and how I was on my phone during class! Mum gonna kill me!

I rest my cheeks in my hands and stare at the clock; I'm going to be doing this for another hour, ugh!

Jai's POV

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