Chapter 33- Not Again

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"Darling you know your mother and I love you very much," my dad says looking over at me with a sorrowful expression on his face

"Dad what is going on?" Why were my parents acting so strange and why is Gemma not even making eye contact with me? Something bad is happening or was going to happen, I could tell.

"Promise you won't be upset?"

"I can't promise that, but I will try not to go crazy,"

"Ok, well you know my boss Mr. Collins?"

"Yeah, we met him 2 years ago at that family day your work had,"

"Well last night he passed away from a stroke," Mr.Collins was a really nice man, he had a wife and two young children and I couldn't imagine how they were feeling right now. "Well I've been asked to take his place, I'd be the head of the company which would bring in more money and also it would be the highlight of my career, so this mean we have to move America."

Not again

"Honey are you ok?" Mum my says rubbing my back

"No were not moving!!!" I shout standing up, "you said we would stay here till I finish high school, you promised this time dad! You promised!!"

"I know I promised, but I can't turndown this job, this is really important to me,"

"Yeah and my life is important to me, what about my education Dad? Is that not important? Moving and changing schools isn't good for my education,"

"Your a straight A student,"

"What about all my friends, huh? I'm always having to new make friends and I'm always getting emotionally attached, its not good for my wellbeing,"

"Your building your social skills and interacting with others,"

"But dad I like the friends I have now!"

"You'll get to see Holly again, isn't that good? You guys are best friends,"

"Not anymore, gosh we haven't talked in months, we cannot move back," I say pacing the room, my anxiety was starting to kick in and I couldn't handle it. I sat down again and my mum started to rub my back again trying to calm me down.

"Lily we are moving and that is final, now I promise this time, I really do promise, that we won't move. This is the highest job I'm able to get, I mean I'm running the company now, I can't get a better job than this, so this means no more moving, we are going to live in America from now on,"

"Mum what do you think about this? Do you want to move?" I question her

"Well I do miss all my friends, of coarse my own parents and other family members, it would be nice to go back. I mean we are already looking at houses again in California, we can get a pool, a bigger house, you can start sport again and even get a pet if you want honey-"

"I want to stay here that's all I want..and I think Gemma agrees with me, right Gem?" There was no response from Gem she kept quiet. I looked over at her, she was biting her nails and fiddling with the hem of her skirt. " agree with me, right?"

"I'm sorry Lil...but I really want to go back, I miss my old friends and also our family, I even miss my teachers and school, I miss America, it's home..this has never really felt like home."

I can't believe everyone wanted to move away back to America, no one was even considering what I was saying, no one really wanted to listen. I was not moving, not again, I'm putting my foot down this time.
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I had a reckless night sleep, I mean it was hardly a sleep, I just dozed off here and there. I looked out my window to see my parents next to the 'FOR SALE' sign talking to the real estate agent, they were planning an open house day. I think they said they might have one even today because it was a nice day and many people had been interested in seeing the house. I couldn't believe my parents were going through with this, they were being selfish and didn't care if I was unhappy.

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