Chapter 5- Feelings

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Author Note: Thanks sooo much to everyone who has been reading my book,(if anyone is reading my book) it means the world to me and i hope you are enjoying my book sorry about the spelling and everything, i know my book isn't good.

P.S soooo sorry i haven't updated in a long time 

Thanks soooo much

Daniella xXx                                                                                                                                                                   

 Lily's POV


I walk into the classroom with shelly but I can't sit next to her because all the seats are full and apparently our humanities teacher is really strict. A short, fat man walks through the door carrying a bunch of papers, I hope there not for me.

"Alright class, I'm going to right some words on the board and you are going to copy it down in your book and write a definition for the word."

Ok, that doesn't seem to bad, by the end of the lesson I had written 7 pages full, wow that was hard, my hand id killing me from all that writing. I went to my locker and saw Jai who is only 5 doors across from me, I don't know if it's a bad thing or a good thing.

Jai's POV

She's 5 doors across from me this could be good or it could be bad, I wonder if she even notices me just looking at her from time to time?

I just know that I can't wait to see her tomorrow.

Lily's POV

I grab for backpack, which is one of those really pretty one's you can get at Forever 21 (American Shop) my favourite shop in the whole world which is not in Australia and go into the classroom with the teacher already standing there.

She calls the roll and then makes us clean the room and apparently there is a magic piece of paper, I haven't done that since prep, the teacher just makes it up. In the end no one got the magic piece of paper, wow didn't see that one coming, ha ha.

"Good-bye I'll see you all tomorrow, have a nice night," says Mrs Charleston

We all rush out the door wanting to get out of this prison they call school,

"Hey Lily wait up" said Shelly from behind,

we walked out the school together.

Jai's POV

I can't see Lily, I wanted to say good-bye to her, Just as friends! I know I already have a girlfriend I don't even know if Lily likes me.

Lily's POV

"Hey do you want to come to my sleepover tomorrow night" says Shelly with a big smile, I can't believe it my first sleepover, my friends back in America weren't the girly type.

"I'd love to come, I just have to ask my mum,"

"Ok see you then," we went our separate ways, I stand next to the school gate waiting for Gem, where is she, she told me to meet her hear, it there another school gate I should know about.

My phone starts to vibrate in my bag, I pull it out and see that Gemma has texted me,

Gemma-*Hey, soz but you were 2 late the bus left soz bye*

I can't believe it, she left without me, talk about sister of the year, whoop whoop!!

I guess I'll have to walk home, where is home. I go on my phone and it's not turning on, great, It's dead, arrrgghhh, I walk and walk and walk, until I hear a familiar voice calling my name.

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