Chapter 12- The Disaster Happened, But Now Theres Hope!

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~Monday Morning~

I woke up to the sweet sound of chirping birds, I jump out of my bed and walk over to my balcony, the sun shines on my face and I start to hum along with the birds. I look outside and I see Jai playing soccer outside with Trent and his other friends, wow he gets ready for school really fast. I walk over to my side table where my clock is I look at the clock and It's 8:15!!! OH NO I OVER SLEPT, I rush over to my closet and put on my yellow shorts and white flowy singlet. I run into my unsuit and brush my teeth and hair. I look terrible, It looks like I haven't slept for days, I quickly a pile some concealer and put on my converse high top. I walk down stairs and grab a muesli bar from the pantry,

"Where's Gemma?" I ask Mum

"Oh one of your sister's friends drove her to school," She answers, "Are you ok walking alone?"

"Yeah it's fine, I'll just walk with Jai,"

"Jai...Who's Jai?" I haven't really told anyone but Gem about Jai because my parents don't think it's appropriate to be dating at this age, dad especially.

"Oh um...just a friend from school..." I'm lying

"Just a friend?"

"Yep, just a friend?" I lied again

"You promise?"


I walk out the door not wanting to lie to Mum anymore, I shut the door behind me and I see Jai who is still playing soccer with his friends, I walk up to Jai and his friends.

 "Hey Jai" I say as I tap him on the shoulder

"Oh hey," He says pulling me to his side, "Bye guys see you at school!" he holds my hand and we walk to school.

"So I was thinking we could do a do-over date since the first date didn't go so well,"

"Yeah that would be great,"

"We could have it on the school holidays since school holidays are next week,"

"I can't wait!" I say giving Jai a kiss on the lips in front of the school gate.

"*Cough, cough*" someone behind us starts,

I pull away from Jai's lips to see the girls giving me the stop-kissing-and-come-over-here look,

"Are we interrupting?" Summer says sarcastically 

"Not at all," I say in an English accent, "I'll see you in class Jai"

"Ok see ya," the girls and I walk over to where we always sit and catch up.

" was your date with Jai?" Amber asks

"It was great until I ruined it," the girls give me a confused look, "Ok I'll tell you what happened, we were sitting down and I asked Jai why he liked me and he said all these really sweet things and then he tried to kiss me and I ran away..."

"Why would you run away from Jai?" Shelly asks


"And?????" says Shelly

"Because I was scared...Jai was my first kiss..."

"AWWWWWWWW" all the girl squeal

"Anyway how was your date with Jake the pizza guy?" I ask in a flirty voice,

"Yeah it was really good and un like you I didn't run away when Jake kissed me!"

"JAKE KISSED YOU," we all shout whisper

With You ✧ Jai WaetfordWhere stories live. Discover now