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Macy left bonnie as her boredom got the best of her.

She obviously did not come from mystic falls so after elena and Caroline made their appearance she made a dash for it to find something more entertaining.

She walked into the mystic grill, and then up to the bar ordering a drink for herself.

"Bourbon. Neat" she whispered to the bar tender, kissing him on the cheek. He was around Macy's age, so wrapping him around her finger was easy.

Her drink came and she took a couple of sips enjoying the burning sensation lingering in her mouth.

"How come you can get a drink here and when I try to bribe my friend I can never get one." The young Gilbert asked the raven girl

She turned to find Jeremy, with a coke.

"Ah, it's all about the flirting young Gilbert" Macy said raising her glass and downing it, suddenly getting a refill from the guy she kissed.

Jeremy rolled his eyes

"I'm about to have lunch, care to join?" He asked her, hoping for a yes

"I guess I haven't got anything better to do."Macy shrugged her shoulders and followed Jeremy to a booth.

They sat and talked for what seemed like hours about school and work and family but it was only 30 minuets, Jeremy's food came and he ate it straight away. It distracted them both from the outside for a while, they enjoyed the company.

"Jer I don't believe I can fix this, I lied and I was wrong." Macy and Jeremy was pulled out of the conversation by the now not so looking Katherine, elena. "But your my brother and I love you, and I have to fix it "

"Hello to you too." Macy said finishing off her second drink

She didn't realise that elena was just talking to Damon which was behind her listen to the conversation.

'Typical' she thought

"So just tell me what can I do?" Elena asked

"Go to hell elena." Jeremy said angrily and then stormed out of the grill

Macy gave elena an apologetic look but got up and chased after Jeremy. But to be stopped by Damon.

"Don't want to say thanks for saving your life then ." Damon gave the girl a questionable look, losing go of her arm

"Get over yourself ."Macy said following Jeremy into the crowds

"Jer, jer." Macy followed the boy and he stopped for a second so she could catch up. Damon also following them.

Jeremy rolled his eyes and kept walking after seeing Damon hot on Macy tail

"I have so many emotions but I don't have any way to express them being a teenager is so hard." Damon said mockingly as he followed Jeremy and Macy.

"Stop being a dick." Macy said as Jeremy said "you dick"

"You do not talk to me like that I'm not you sister Jeremy, and from now on you don't talk to your sister that way either." Damon forcefully grabbed Jeremy wrist making him jerk back to come face to face with the blue eyed vampire

"Damon let him go." Macy said put her hand on his wrist

"You going to kill me just because I hurt Elena's feelings" Jeremy asked

"Cut her some slack." Damon responded

"She erased my memories." Jeremy said

"No I did, she was protecting you ."

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