S e v e n t y o n e

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Macy and bonnie haven't really spent a lot of time together. Macy definitely saw Caroline more and that could be for many reasons. But none of the less she was still happy to help a witch, even if she was forced by Damon.

"Is this the spot Emily bennet was killed too?" Jeremy asked as him, Bonnie, Damon and Macy walked to the sight of the witch massacre in the aim to get bonnie her full powers back

"Founders thought it was poetic, burning her where the witches were burnt." Damon said as him and Macy walked side by side, bonnie on Damon left and Jeremy on Macy right

"And you found this all out how?" Macy asked

"Because I tried to save her." Damon said "she was my key to getting Katherine before I knew what a nastily little bitch Katherine was." He said as Macy rolled her eyes

They all walked up and stopped around 30 metres away from an old overgrown house

"You sure this is the place?" Jeremy asked and Damon nodded, leading the group closer

Damon opened the door and the other 3 follows him in the hallway, looking at the old ruins left by the house. They continued to follow him through to the back of the house.

Damon turned to face the 3 but then was stopped, like magic in the spot fo sunlight.

Grunts came from his mouth as Macy furrowed her eyebrows.

"Whatever witch prank you're playing don't it's not funny." Damon said to bonnie who looked confused

"I'm not doing anything." She said

"I can't move." Damon said trying to move again

Damon started to sizzle, burns showed up on his face

"Ugh my rings not working, do something." He said as Macy took off her jacket, putting it over his head so he wouldn't burn until bonnie set him free

"I don't think the witches like you being here." Bonnie said as Damon give Macy her jacket back and she put it on

"I guess this is the right place." Jeremy said and Macy laughed

"I think I'll wait outside." He said as he walked through the middle of the three.

The door shut back on Damon and Macy laughed

"Bennet make sure Raven doesn't die or kill herself please" Damon said through the door making Macy roll her eyes

Bonnie looked at her sadly before looking at Jeremy

"Can you hand me the grimore." She said as Jeremy got it from his back pack

"Are you sure about this?" He said handing it to Bonnie

"Are you worried about me?" She asked

"Of course I am." Jeremy said. Bonnie reached to him for a kiss and Macy turned away in surprise, not realising they were together

Bonnie started to recite a spell from the grimore in her head and their were whispers in the air

"What is that." Macy asked

"The spurts of the witches who died here." Bonnie said " I can feel them."

"What are they saying." Jeremy asked

"I can't tell."

"Great." Macy said as she leant up against a wall watch the pair

Bonnie walked past Macy into another room. Jeremy and Macy looked at eachothet before following closely behind

"Here, this is it." Bonnie said as they all walked into another room filled with some furniture.

"Help me set the candles." Bonnie said to Jeremy, placing the grimore on the floor.

Macy passed Jeremy the candles from the back pack and Jeremy set them up.

The whispers grew louder and louder making Macy look up at Bonnie

"What are they saying." Jeremy asked As Bonnie opened her eyes

"Nothing." Bonnie said as the candles, the fireplace and the rest of the candles that were already there set alight.

Jeremy stood next to Macy but close to Bonnie.

"They're ready." Bonnie said to the both of them, suddenly Macy started to feel uneasy she tripped back slightly and Jeremy caught her

"Macy, hey what's wrong."

Macy head started spinning and the last thing she could get out was


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