S i x t y n i n e

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Macy spent the day as a self care day. She went to the nearest drugstore and bought the right dye to dye her hair back to it's original colour, just a bit darker.

Once Macy finished, it was around 6 and the sun was just setting. She lounged around in sweats, her converse and a sports bra all day, her hair was wavy and she wore little make up.

She led down on her sofa flicking through old photos albums she brought from her apartment back from New York, looking at her mom and dad and all the happy memories they had.

'I can't believe I up and lifted everything for some small town people.' Macy thought as she contained to flick through

'How I thought Isobel was my problem but it was so much more' she thought

Tears brimmed in her eyes. She never talked about her past to anyone, about what she is actually going to do with her life, she didn't even know herself, she didn't have an education, a job, a life.

Macy cried...it was most likely everything that has built up lately, Damon loving her, klaus after her, Blair Hunter, saving Elena, saving Stefan, saving Katherine, saving Caroline, Elijah dying, her parents dying, Isobel here, after all this time she still hurts, everything still hurts, she tries so hard to escape but reality will sneak up and catch her.

She sat on the floor, curled up in a ball, darkness engulfing her home, darkness engulfing her head.

Macy thought about her death. Will it be in vain? Will it be for someone she barely knew and then she will forget about her. Will he remember? Was it even worth being here anymore?

There was a knock at the door making Macy come back to her senses. She got up off the floor, grabbed her keys from the side and opened it to reveal Stefan.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked as Macy nodded

"Yeah yeah I'm fine, what's up, how did you get my address." She asked

"Katherine is still at the boarding house, Luca and his father, Elijah witches, they uh, they died, Damon killed Luca and then his father tried to kill Elena so I, "

"So he had to died yeah Stefan I get it." Macy said

"Have you been crying?" He asked and Macy stood wide eyed and brought her hand up to her eyes, wiping the tears away

"I um." Macy trailed off "I just." Macy stuttered before running her hands through her hair, it was very dark so she could basically only see a shadow of Stefan.

"If you want to talk." Stefan said as Macy stifled a laugh

"You don't have to care Stefan, and I wish Katherine didn't have to tell you where I live but sadly her mouth is bigger than Caroline's, look just give Elena this tonight." Macy picked up Elena daily vile of blood

"No Macy I won't." Stefan said as she huffed

"Stefan please, it's a reassurance thing, at least I know she can have a life when mine has crumbled." Stefan rooked the vile from Macy and put it in his pocket

"You've dyed your hair back."

"No shit Sherlock." Macy said as she went to shut the door but Stefan stopped it

"Macy please talk to me." He said as she closed her eyes

"I don't know what to do anymore Stefan, I just."

Macy started shaking as Stefan caught her before she collapsed. He held her close to his chest as she cried into it, they sat on the floor in the hallway and Stefan just let Macy cry until there was no tears left.

"Let's talk about it." Stefan said as she helped Macy off the floor and she led him into the lounge and sat on the sofa, she turned on the lamp next to them and picked up the photo album

"That's my parents, before Isobel got to them." She pointed at the loving mother and father in the book

"There's me at school with my friends, there's my pet dog." She pointed to her old dog named woofers who she gave to a friend to look after

"I just left it all behind to get revenge, and essentially when I worked out what my blood was being used for, instead of revenged, I stayed to save a life." Macy said as she lead a head on Stefan shoulder, he placed an arm around her as she snuggled to him.

After around 5 minutes stefans phone ran. He went from peaceful to concerned. Macy lifted her head off his shoulder and turned to face him completely as he ended the call

"Isobel is back in town."

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