S i x t y t h r e e

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"Elijah, Caroline is in trouble and I think Damon and Stefan are going to get themselves into more trouble." Macy voiced echoed through the phone

"By who." Elijah replied as Macy pulled her jacket tighter, she stood outside of the grill pacing back and forth.

"Jules, she's a werewolf, Damon threatened her, killed Mason Lockwood and now w she's getting revenge." Macy said

"Where are you?" Elijah asked

Macy heard a door click and a gust of wind.

Elijah stood in front of her and she ended the call.

"Can't the Salvatore just protect Elena and not get into anymore trouble."

"Tell me about it, they both look for death." Macy said as Elijah engulfed her with a hug.

"I sent jonas, my witch friends after them. He can save them." Elijah said as they pulled away

"Sorry I didn't come back last night, I was attending to some things." Elijah said as Macy smiled

"That's fine, don't worry about it, I trust your watching everyone." Macy said as Elijah held out his hand.

"Need a ride home?" He asked and Macy shrugged her shoulders.

"Boarding house would be good, check the brother are okay." Macy said as Elijah nodded.

Elijah hugged Macy as he vamp sped outside the boarding house.

Elijah let go and smiled at Macy before vamp speeding off.

Macy made her way up to the boarding house just as John was about to leave.

"Macy." He said as he walked past.

"Look who it is." Damon said as he opened the door wider for Macy to walk in.

"Is stefan here? I wanted to make sure he okay." Macy said as she walked deeper into the room and sat of the couch.

Damon shut the door behind him and followed her to the middle of the room, grabbing his bourbon.

"Stefan is at Elena's." Damon said and Macy shrugged

"Actually they're all at Caroline's, Elena called me, decided to to intrude on there sleepover." Macy said

"So you come to bother me?" Damon asked and Macy shrugged

"Just bored." She said, that was not entirely lies.

"Well unless you wanna see me hook up with a reporter I suggest you leave." Macy furrowed her eyebrows

"Jenna gave me andie stars number, I decided to utilise it." He finished his bourbon and placed it on the table

"No problem." Macy rolled her eyes and walked to the door

"Hey! You can't be angry at me! You're sleeping with Elijah!" Damon shouted "you won't even tell me where you live."

"but I still wished it was you!" Macy screamed
"I wake up to Elijah and wished it was you staring me in the face."

Macy scoffed and crossed your arms "I've been think all day about why I didn't kill you, why I automatically have the desire to take your life into my hands and I think I've made sense of it."

Damon eyebrows furrowed

"My desire isn't desire, it's love for you, when you looked at my wrist this morning, I weren't angry at you for caring, I was more angry at you because I saw a glint in your eye that you was thankful with what I did, that I was saving Elena."

Tears brimmed from Macy eyes

"Because Damon you don't love me like I love you, I'll admit it I love Damon Salvatore and I'm not saying you don't care for me but you definitely don't love me,  you have your flings but your heart is for Elena, not for me, so when I had you against the wall this morning it was out of the love I had for you because I didn't want you to love anyone else."

"Then why didn't you." Damon carried on and Macy cut him off

"Stop? Because killing you will never change you're love for Elena, or will get you to love me"

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