"I don't know, Azriel. I don't know how to react," Cassian's voice sounded through the closed door, "Can you please say something, Az."

"I have nothing to say." Another voice, Azriel, grumbled.

"So you're completely fine with what you just saw?"

I heard a long sigh, "No, Cassian."


"Cassian, just drop it."

Slipping past the closed door, I left the house. I felt a sense of calm as I walked down the cobble streets, the salty sea breeze reminding me of my mate. The beauty of Velaris never failed to take my breath away, I can never thank Rhysand for keeping this city safe.

"I love you," I whispered into the wind.

I will see him again. No matter what it takes, I will see Rhys again.

Reaching down the bond, I sought out Rhys. A thought surfaced within my mind and I halted, pulling back down the bond. I didn't need an answer, I already knew where I could find him.

* * *

Entering the ancient library, it didn't take long to find him. Hidden between the bookshelves, sprawled across a old fashioned lounge chair, Rhysand sat flipping though the pages of an old leather bound book.

"Hello there."

Rhysand quickly leapt from the chair, the book he was reading flying from his hand.

"By the Cauldron!" He gasped. He lifted his hand to his chest, catching his breath. "How did you even know I was here!" Leaning over, he picked up the book he threw.

"You're such a scaredy-cat, Rhys." I chuckle lightly from my place in the doorway.

"No I'm not."

Laughing, I shook my head, "Yeah, you are."

"I am the High Lord of the Night Court, I don't get scared."

Walking over, I slumped down on the chair beside him. Looking over, I noted the title of the book. "Book of Bellardith?"

He quickly set it down on the table in front of us, "It is a very old spell book." At my inquisitive look, he continued, "I was researching about your current... predicament."


"And... I have a few theories but nothing substantial yet." He looked me over, taking in the new outfit. Leaning back, he kept his gaze fixed on me, "How far along are you?"


He gestured towards my stomach, I felt a talon lightly run down my mental walls.

May I touch it?

At my nod, he moved to the edge of his seat. Ever so slowly, he reached out. As soon as his fingertips made contact, a wave of tingling sensation flooded through me.

As if sending his presence, a jolt went through me as the baby kicked.

His face lit up as bright as the sun as smile beautiful spread across his face and a deep laugh escaped his lips.

"I felt it!" He chuckled, "he kicked!"

"Who said it was a he?"

Looking up, he grinned, "I do."

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