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Guys, I can't tell you how much I love this season. Season Three is probably my favorite season of LOT, but this is going to be a really fun season for me to write for.

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Nate looked up at the man who was still standing on the awning and muttered, "Oh, my God. You're Commander Steel."

Nate honestly looked like he was in love. Commander Steel flipped off of the awning and onto the ground. Commander Steel landed in front of Nate and looked at him. Commander Steel asked, "Who the hell are you?"

Ray held up his hands, "Whoa, whoa. Let's just relax. We're all friends here." I glanced at Sara before looking at Hayden. "Rex Tyler told us about the JSA. You guys are awesome."

Jax looked at the woman in the American themed suit and greeted, "Hey, the name's Jax."

The woman informed, "Rex's never mentioned any of you."

Commander Steel questioned, "Mind telling us what you were doing impersonating OSS agents?"

Stein explained, "It's quite simple actually. We were protecting Albert Einstein from Nazi agents who were attempting to kidnap him and force him to build an atomic bomb in the future."

They did not believe him at all. Nate continued, "Time travel. It's-It's hard to explain."

The woman in yellow assured, "You can take all the time you need."

The man with the red suit and cape finished, "In custody."

Commander Steel raised his gun to his other hand. Nate tried, "Whoa, take it easy. Let's talk for a minute. I mean, after all, you're my"

Commander Steel cut him off by hitting him in the face with his gun. Mick tried to punch the man in the blue suit, but he fell forward. Everything went black and I looked at Hayden. Hayden asked, "You want offensive or defensive?"

Before I could say anything, I was knocked back by some kind of beam. I groaned and rolled onto my stomach. I slowly got up as I saw Sara being thrown backward. Hayden's suit disappeared as I saw Commander Steel holding her ring. Jax was shot out of the air and him and Stein separated from each other and rolled onto the ground. Nate was still on the ground from earlier. Mick was laying on his back and Ray was looking at the team. Ray shook his head, "Don't, Eleanor."

I glanced down at my hands where the red wisps were and forced them to disappear.


Sara had a hand pressed against my ribs to make sure that they weren't hurt too bad. I muttered, "I'm fine, Sara."

Sara rolled her eyes, "I'm making sure that statement is true."

Mick grumbled, "You just had to mention time travel, didn't you?"

Ray took a few steps towards Mick and countered, "Yeah, well, at least he didn't throw the first punch."

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