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Apparently, putting my note at the end is not working. I've had four people vote for the last name for when I do finally have Eleanor and Sara get married. It is currently tied 2-2. Leave your votes in the comment section so that I will know what you guys prefer. There's only four more chapters left to vote on.


Snart complained, "This isn't my element."

Mick groaned as he pulled the hose out of the fire truck, "It's mine."

Rip looked between the two, "Just keep a weather eye open for the Pilgrim. Gideon calculates a 97% chance that she will attack your younger self in this exact time and place."

Mick handed the hose to Rip and commanded, "Roll it."

Sara and Jax came running out of the house as Sara announced, "Young Rory's not in there."

Jax informed, "But we found his parents. They're dead."

Sara asked, "Then where the hell is he?"

I searched near the house before turning around to look behind me. I could easily see a younger, innocent Mick Rory's mind. I also found a mind that I couldn't read. I immediately dove into the maze and started to make my way through it. I informed, "The Pilgrim's here." I moved even fast. "I can't tell where though."

Hayden assured, "It's ok, Eleanor. Just keep trying."

Ray suddenly said, "Come with me if you want to live." He chuckled. "I've always wanted to say that."

I rolled my eyes at that before I felt the maze disappear and I stumbled backward. Hayden looked surprised before moving in front of me. Hayden asked, "Are you alright?"

I rubbed my temple hoping to help the headache I was developing. I nodded, "I'll be fine."

Rip questioned, "What happened?"

Hayden watched me as I sighed, "I'm not sure. I was in her maze and suddenly it just disappeared."


My back hit the mat again. Hayden chuckled, "You know, you're horrible at fighting."

I rolled my eyes, "You're horrible at teaching it."

Hayden nodded, "Yeah, that's it." She pulled me up. "Or maybe, this is the one thing you just can't learn."

I shook my head, "No. I gotta learn how to fight. You don't understand how it felt to have Savage pressing the dagger to my throat and not being able to do anything about it because I rely on my powers all the time."

Hayden sighed, "Well, you're fast. You should use that to your advantage. You're rarely gonna be stronger than your opponent, but you'll probably always be faster."

I nodded, "I'll take that as a compliment."

Hayden agreed, "You should."

Before she could realize it, I was already running towards her. However, Hayden grabbed my arm and flipped me over so my back hit the mat again. I groaned, "I thought you guys just flew jets in the Air Force."

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