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Voting is still open. I'm so happy, more people have been voting since the last chapter. Last I checked it was 11-2 in favor of Allen-Lance. You guys have until the end of part one to vote for your favorite last name. 

If you guys like this chapter, please think about leaving a vote or a comment to let me know. Thank you to the people who commented and voted the last chapter, it means a lot. So, now, enjoy.


The Waverider came out in heavy fire. Explosions were going off all around us. One even hit the Waverider. Rip informed, "We're gonna need a safe place to set down, Gideon."

Gideon denied, "I don't believe there are any safe places."

Stein questioned, "Are we over London yet?"

Rip answered, "What's left of it."

Jax asked, "Why's London shooting at us?"

Rip explained, "It's Savage's forces that are doing the shooting. Here in 2166, they've subjugated most of the globe."

The Waverider was hit again and we were all thrown around. Sara pointed out, "Maybe picking up here wasn't the brightest idea."

I countered, "Well, we don't have the luxury of blindly searching for Savage throughout history."

Rip agreed, "Indeed, we have to target Savage at the time and place that we're certain he will be, which is"

Mick cut him off, "Right before he wastes your family." We all looked at him in surprise. "What?"

Rip confirmed, "Yes, Mr. Rory, Savage will kill my wife and son in three days' time, but we can save them and the world by stopping Savage now."

The Waverider shook again and this time my head banged against my chair. Gideon announced, "Captain, I've managed to slip beneath their artillery fire."

Rip's chair turned around and we looked at him. Rip commanded, "Set us down on the outskirts of the city, Gideon, near the encampment of the remaining resistance forces." We all pushed the straps up and started to stand up. Rip head for the office. "We are going to need to proceed swiftly."

Stein stood up, "I realize your family is in jeopardy, but perhaps some deliberation."

Rip turned around, "We really don't have the time, Martin!" Stein looked taken back with Rip's reaction. "According to Gideon, Savage is going to be out in the open tonight--vulnerable." He clapped his hands together. "Now, in order to capture him, I require the services of..."

Mick suggested, "A killer, klepto, and pyro?"

Rip nodded, "Bingo."

Hayden added, "You might benefit from a Corps member and a witch."

I shook my head, "Nah, I need you for something else." Everyone looked at me. "I wanna try something."

Hayden questioned, "Is it going to be dangerous?"

I didn't hesitate as I nodded, "Highly."

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