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Mick screamed as he threw the knife into a box. I couldn't help but jump at it. Sara smirked when she noticed that I jumped and Snart chuckled. I tensed up as Mick walked to the box and pulled his knife out. Mick grunted, "I'm done."

Snart waved off, "Don't mind him. He's still sore about having to leave 2046."

I put a card down in the pile. Mick corrected, "I'm sore because I was recruited for my unique ability to light things on fire." Mick held his arms up. "And now, I'm locked in the one place where I can't light things on fire: a spaceship."

I scooted over as Mick walked towards me. Mick stepped over Snart's legs and started up the stairs. Snart questioned, "Where do you think you're going?"

Mick stopped and turned to look at Snart. Mick asked, "Why? You gonna clock me in the head if I don't listen again?"

Snart just stared at Mick for a minute before Mick turned around and continued his walk up the stairs. Sara questioned, "Everything ok with you two?"

Snart assured, "Yeah, peachy."

I could hear the sarcasm in his voice. It wasn't even a minute after Mick had left that Gideon informed us that Rip wanted everyone in the bridge. So the three of us got up and headed that way with our card game done. I pushed ahead of the two older people as I smirked, "I would've won in 3 rounds."

Snart questioned, "How are you so sure?"

I didn't answer him as I continued forward. We all gathered around the monitor to watch a message played on the screen asking for help. After it ended, Mick questioned, "We care about this chick why?"

Rip denied, "We don't, but the Acheron's computer will contain the current intel on Savage's whereabouts. Gideon, set a course for the Acheron's position in deep space."

Gideon responded, "Yes, Captain."

Stein asked, "Deep space? I had no idea we had the ability to explore the unknown realms of the galaxy. Astonishing."

Jax corrected, "No. What's astonishing is that we're acting as roadside assistance for the people who are chasing us."

Snart asked, "Doesn't that seem a little bit suspicious, this distress call just happened to reach us?"

Kendra questioned, "How do we know it's not a trap?"

Rip informed, "We don't, but what we do know is that Savage's trail has run cold. And unless Gideon can upload the data from the Acheron's computer"

Mick cut him off, "I'm in."

We all looked at him because it always seemed like Mick would be the last person to volunteer to do anything unless he got to light things on fire. Snart asked, "You are?"

Mick explained, "The sooner we end Savage, the sooner I get back to where I belong."

Stein asked, "Prison?"

Mick pointed out, "Any prison on Earth's better than this one, Professor."

Rip clapped his hands, "Gideon."

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