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I groaned as I woke up. I really didn't feel good. I tried to sit up, but someone pushed me down. Hayden's voice warned, "Hey, be careful, Ellie. You've got a lot of injuries."

I asked, "What, are you on Eleanor duty?"

Hayden nodded, "Kind of. We're stuck in the future without Gideon. You haven't been healed yet."

I groaned, "Great."

Hayden said, "Yeah. Part of the others have left to go get something for Gideon while the other half has stayed behind to help get the ship flying again."

I sighed, "Great. So, my life lays in the hands of our team."

Hayden confirmed, "Yeah."

I smiled, "I'm already feeling better." My smile fell. "I'm going to die."

Hayden rolled her eyes "You're going to be fine. Gideon said that you have healing and it'll keep you alive for a while."

I nodded, "And that would be true. But I'm going to need food as well. I need the energy to heal myself."

Hayden grinned "Gideon told me. I was going to hook you up to an IV, but Gideon went down. I made some food for you."

I grinned when she pushed the table of food in front of the chair that I was sitting in. I said, "Thanks."

Hayden nodded and admitted, "I was going to bring you some books, but then I decided not to."

I asked, "How come?"

Hayden shrugged, "Figured I would like Eleanor duty better if we actually talked to each other."

I grinned because I was sure that I would prefer her talking to me rather than reading a book. I nodded, "Ok."

Hayden asked, "So, what was it like to grow up in Central City?"

I shrugged, "Ok, I guess. I love Central City and would do anything for it. I mean, it's home, you know?" Hayden nodded and I was positive that she knew exactly what I was talking about. "I, uh, I don't know. I feel like my life should have been better there, but it wasn't. I had Joe and Iris. They're my foster family. Joe took me and Barry in after Mom's murder and Dad's arrest. I think he did it because Iris and Barry have always been best friends. Growing up wasn't easy for me."

Hayden questioned, "Why?"

I sighed, "I've always been an outcast. I've never really fit in. I'm barely 18 and I'm already in my senior year of college. I just started last year. That's how smart I am. Never had many friends in high school. Even the really nice kids rarely talked to me. Guess being the daughter of a murderer means that no one wants to be your friend."

Hayden apologized, "I'm sorry about that."

I asked, "Why? There's nothing you could do about it."

Hayden shook her head "It isn't right. Everyone should have friends."

I shrugged, "You can't do anything about it now. Besides I have friends. I have Caitlin, Cisco, Wally...you guys."

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