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The guards pushed the door opened in front of us and the three of us walked through the door in a single file line. Ray looked around at the others and greeted, "Hey. Howdy. How you doing?"

Mick and I looked at each other before we looked at Ray. I had never been in prison before, but this was filled with some of the most ruthless people to live and you wouldn't survive here by being friendly. Mick questioned, "What the hell are you doing?"

Ray admitted, "Just being friendly." I rolled my eyes at him. "This must be where they keep the VIPs."

Mick informed, "This is prison, jackass. There are no VIPs."

I took notice of some of the prisoners. I said, "Hey, some of these people have been here for a while."

Ray saw an older man and said, "Hey, maybe this guy knows where Stein is."

The guard in front of us shouted something in Russian before Ray was pushed forward. The man spoke again. Mick informed, "The only thing you should be worried about, Pretty, is lasting the night."

We stopped as the guard started to open a cell door. Ray countered, "Stein needs help. He's in real trouble."

I said "Newsflash, so are we."

Mick walked into the cell and Ray slowly followed him. The guard shoved Ray the rest of the way in. He grabbed my arm and shoved me into the cell as well and I was surprised by the action. Ray looked at the beds before asking "Think they'll bring us blankets later?"

I rolled my eyes and glared at the Boy Scout.


We were in the courtyard getting food and I knew that I would have to be careful out here. We were around some of the most dangerous people in the world right now, and I am the only woman that they've access to in weeks. Ray said, "It's just like scout camp. Huh." He chuckled. "Man, the food was terrible. There was one time they gave us Salisbury steak"

Mick cut him off "You ever stop talking?"

A man gave Ray his plate and Ray complained, "What I wouldn't give for a little Salisbury steak right now."

Ray walked away before Mick and I got our plates. We went to join Ray. He had his hand outstretched to the old man from earlier. Mick demanded, "Put your hand down."

Ray pointed out, "He might know where Vostok is keeping the Professor."

I could still read the minds around me, so I knew that Mick was right. I told Ray, "Shut up and eat."

Ray turned to the man, "Do you know if there's any other place where they keep prisoners here? We're looking for a friend."

The old man glanced around before admitting "There is a place. They send you there, you never come back. You can hear the screams all night."

Two men walked up behind the old one and I knew that this wouldn't end well. Ray pushed, "This place, where is it?"

I watched as the old man turned to look at the two men behind him. The bigger man asked, "Who said you could eat?"

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