Dancing Among Starlight

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It was the time of Midsummer celebrations.

White lights lit up the night. Soft, but sweet voices wove with the breeze, carrying up into the trees where a lone elf sat.

He tilted his head against the trunk of the tree, gazing through the branches of the Greenwood toward the stars. Mindlessly, he played with the buttons of his tunic, his thoughts never ceasing to whirl.

In the night sky, the stars glittered, like white crystals in the void. Legolas sighed, closing his eyes and breathing in the cool air.


The voice snapped him out of his thoughts. Pushing himself up, Legolas blinked hard, peering down from his spot.

It was an elleth that stood on the forest floor, chin tilted up to where he sat. Brown hair cascaded down her back, emerald eyes bright in the darkness.

A grin warmed Legolas's face. "Elwing!"

Pushing himself to his feet, Legolas slipped from where he sat, dropping from branch to branch until his feet hit dirt. 

"I knew I would find you out here," the elleth grinned teasingly. "You have never enjoyed the public celebrations."

Chuckling, Legolas shrugged. "You know me too well, mellon-nin."

"Even so," Elwing's green eyes danced in the darkness. "There are many lovely elleths awaiting your arrival. It would break their hearts should the Sindarin prince never show."

Warmth crept up Legolas's neck and he looked away, trying to mask his flush. "Indeed?"

Elwing's soft laugh met the air and she rested her arm on his shoulder, turning him back toward the grand hall. "Shall we?"

Wrinkling his nose, Legolas listened to the sound of laughter coming from the lights and music. Then he sighed, "I suppose if we must."

"Tell me, my lord," Elwing grinned as they walked, feet padding quietly on the leaves. "How long have you been out here?"

Tilting his head up to the stars, Legolas blinked thoughtfully. "How long ago did the sun set?"

An amused laugh met his question. "So that long."

Legolas cracked a smile, rolling back his shoulders. His white tunic was scratchy and uncomfortable, his shoulders feeling empty without the weight of his quiver across his back. "I suppose so."

Elwing turned on her heel, facing him as she walked backward. Legolas only then noticed that she adorned no dress or fancy clothing, dressed in a simple grey tunic.

"Do you remember the nights we used to come out here?" The breeze blew her brown hair across her face, tangled from its braid.

Legolas chuckled. "You mean the nights we sparred until dawn? Or perhaps when we would sneak out just to spite my father?"

Elwing grinned. "Both."

"How could I possibly forget?" Legolas tilted his head. "I seem to remember more than one grounding because of it all."

He remembered those days all too well-- when they were barely of age, taking control of their newfound freedom to wander the forest late at night and train together under the stars.

Legolas and Elwing had practically grown up together, the daughter of his father's most trusted advisor. He knew his father wasn't overly fond of their friendship, with her being but a Silvan elf.

"So tell me, my lady," Legolas chuckled. "No dress upon this fine evening? No flowery hair or silken shoes?"

Despite the darkness, he grinned wider as he noticed the blush creeping up Elwing's cheeks. She ducked her head, shrugging.

"You know me, mellon. I do not fare well in dresses. 

They came toward the great hall, the elven guards bowing and moving out of the way as Legolas approached.

Elwing tapped his tunic, flicking him in the nose as he looked down. "You, on the other hand, are dressed exactly like a prince."

Legolas snorted. "Am I really? That wasn't the plan, I assure you."

They stood side by side, gazing around the crowded great hall. Ellons and elleths in silken outfits of silver and gold spun each other across the floor, the music synced with their every step.

Legolas searched crowd-- his father was nowhere to be seen. 

His shoulders relaxed slightly.

"They're staring," Elwing's whisper drew him back to reality. Glancing sideways, Legolas saw indeed, many of the elves had turned to eye the two of them.

He bit his lip, then shot Elwing a sideways glance. As her green eyes met his own, a mischievous grin claimed his lips. "Then shall we give them something to stare at?"

Her eyes widened-- then amusement flickered through their depths. Arching an eyebrow, she snorted. "Why of course, my prince."

Gently, Legolas took her hand, stepping onto the dancing floor. 

He was sure they stuck out-- Elwing in her training outfit and his boots covered in dirt. But at the moment, it couldn't matter less.

"I'm not much of a dancer," Elwing cautiously placed her hands on his shoulders. "You have been warned, mellon."

Legolas leaned closer, his eyes dancing. "Don't worry, neither am I."

The music changed to a lighter, sweeter tune, like raindrops hitting the leaves on a spring night. Legolas tried to smother the flush rising in his cheeks as they swept across the dance floor, wincing every time he trodded on Elwing's feet.

But slowly the music faded to the background. 

They swept in circles until his head spun, Elwing's eyes danced emerald and he grinned. No longer could he feel the elves watching, only the cool breeze across his face.

"Tell me, mellon," her teasing voice ceased the spinning world. "Shall we depart so you can go dance with all the swooning maidens?"

Legolas grinned wider and they slowed to a stop. Faintly, he felt her cheek rest on his shoulder. "Not this night, my lady."

"What shall we do instead?"

Legolas smiled, chuckling lightly. "Keep dancing?"

Her body shook as she laughed and Legolas took her hands in his own, resting his chin gently on her head. "Saese."

Again, they picked up their steps, blocking out the elves that stared and the whispers in the air. For this night, it didn't matter.

Legolas closed his eyes as the music changed again. Slower this time.


Like the light of the stars themselves.

"Then we shall keep dancing all night, my lady."

A/N: This one-shot is dedicated to arwen_galadriel upon her request for a Legolas romance one-shot!

Honestly, I rarely write romance. I'm not quite the best at lovey and dovey, so I apologize if this is a little rough. It was fun, though!

The next few one-shots will be the other requests you guys have given, although I will still be taking ideas! In this period of no school, I hope to get quite a few more out!

I would love to hear your thoughts. Romance isn't my best or practiced genre and I didn't want to badly fluff it, so if you have any advice or tips, I would love to hear them! Thank you, mellyn!

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