Chapter 34

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Our ship rocketed then forward into space, out of the hangar, leaving Aero behind.


As the stormtroopers began shutting the hatch, I swiveled back around to face Nira, who was lying on her back on the floor, clutching her lower stomach and groaning.

"Kylo-o-o," She moaned desperately. I quickly moved to her side and grabbed her hand, leaning over her.

"It's alright. I'm here. We're safe."

Nira took several quick breaths in and out of puckered lips and then gave a prolonged, pained grunt.

A smattering crash resounded outside our ship and the walls and floor rocked violently about. I gripped Nira, holding her steady, as stormtroopers around me struggled to keep their footing.

I couldn't believe that we'd escaped the Legion of Chrome. For the time being, there was no way Aero could reach Nira or myself. We were temporarily safe from him.

I glanced up when the rocking stopped and asked the commander, "What's the positions?"

"The First Order has been accompanied by the Resistance in order to fight the Legion of Chrome. We are rapidly evacuating the base. Full battle is ensuing on the field without signs of either side weakening. Is there a command you'd like issued, supreme leader?" The commander questioned.

I looked back down at Nira quickly while I mulled over my options.

"This particular ship needs to land, and quickly. We need medics to help deliver the births of these children, and we need them quickly. Where is a main cruiser? And I'd like to pursue the attack until we show signs of weakening, and then order all forces to retreat back to rendezvous spots." I ordered quickly. The commander nodded and launched into action, spreading my plans to the other soldiers on the ship.

I felt an ignition of pride in my chest that I hadn't felt in a while. I was in charge again; I was on top again. I was back where I belonged -- with the First Order, standing as their leader.

I raised myself protectively over Nira as she prepared for childbirth, and waited anxiously for her to be taken to a medical station.


Almost an hour had passed. Our ship had been flown a considerably safe distance from the main battle and we cruised behind the tails of the star cruisers, but we had yet to find the whereabouts of any medical help.

"Sir, they are all working on their squadrons." The commander told me with a hesitant tone.

"I don't care!" I exclaimed in exasperation, "Pull them from their squadrons! My wife needs a doctor, now!"

The commander turned on his heel and very quickly exited the room. I looked back to Nira, whose face was now shining with sweat. Her eyes were closed and her rapid breathing hadn't slowed. Her contractions had grown even more frequent. I held her hand tightly.

I looked over her with a tranquil expression, and tried to hide the frenzied panic that was rushing through my veins. I was worried that her birth would come and there would be no doctors to help her. We were safe from Aero, true; but we had no means of helping Nira through her labor.

"It will be alright." I whispered to her. She nodded gently in response without opening her eyes. "I'm here for you. I love you. We're safe."


Two hours had passed. I hadn't left Nira's side, but my feet were begging me to get up and angrily pace around the room. However, I remained by her, holding her hand, and instead shouted commands from the floor.

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