Chapter 8

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"Let's go." I said powerfully, walking over the threshold with Kylo. A tense, serious atmosphere had seemed to fall over the base as we made our way to hear the second transmission from Aero.


A vast majority of the council had already joined congress by the time Kylo and I stormed the room. We strode to our seats and took them.

"Play the transmission." Kylo ordered.

Once councilman looked up. "But sir," He started anxiously, "We are missing members from the council!"

Kylo glared into the councilman's eyes and I swear the man nearly shriveled up at my husband's lethal look.

"M-my apologies, sir." The councilman stuttered. In a few moments a blue screen popped out of the table and Kylo and I were faced by a holographic recording of Aero the emperor.

"Kylo Ren, it has been a full day and I have heard no word from your organization," The big red beast stated threateningly.

"What? He said we had two weeks --" Kylo muttered under his breath, leaning forward onto the table. I glanced at him quickly.

Kylo's plush lips were slightly parted and his eyes held an emotion that I could only describe as worried. He still held his immaculate posture in the head chair, but in front of this transmission of Aero, and with his anxious facial expression . . . Kylo looked less threatening than usual.

I looked back to the transmission.

"I do not know if I should take this as your preparation for attack or not, but if you were going to calmly submit -- if you truly had no problem with my rule -- I would suspect you would get back to me quickly, and without hesitation." Aero's rough growl blared in the speakers of the central outlook room, making my insides tingle with a strange mixture of fear and courage.

I wanted to take Aero down badly. But something about how huge he was and how unbeatable his organization claimed to be was significantly intimidating.

In the recording, Aero paused for several moments, no doubt allowing tension to settle into the audience.

"I expect to hear back from you very soon," the might beast finished, "Kylo Ren."

The hologram disappeared.

I slowly looked to Kylo, whose beautiful features now showed no emotion as he blankly stared down at the spot where the hologram had disappeared. He showed no fear or surprise -- Kylo looked blatantly bored with the entire scenario. All nervousness had left his features.

I could only guess the intense anger and thought process tornado-ing through his head at that moment.

"Sir, we must submit!" A councilwoman defiantly rose, shouting down the table at Kylo. I internally cringed away from her poor decision to try and boss him around. I knew this wouldn't end well for her.

Kylo looked up from the table and searched the room until he found the councilwoman who had stood up.

"I am --" Kylo stood up and slammed his palms on the table, yelling, "-- tired of the cowardice that is poisoning this council!"

All was silent in the room. All eyes were on the powerful, dark man at the head of the table who no one would dare defy. The way he glared menacingly around the room showed that Kylo had no fear. His fingers were splayed tensely and his back heaved with furious breaths.

"I am in agreement with Ren." Hux's snake-like voice slithered across the table. The ginger looked as if he smelled something pungent. Kylo nodded his head to the side, acknowledging Hux.

The Flame (sequel to Kidnapped by Kylo Ren)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz