Chapter 29

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Aero was using my electricity to power his gloves.

And that's when I knew that Kylo was a goner.


Kylo flew quickly to his feet again, adjusted his grip on his lightsaber, pointing it at Aero, and began to prowl slowly. 

Aero was glaring at Kylo hungrily. His metallic gloves seemed normal once more, but now their powerful secret had been revealed. 

It was genius that Aero had come up with the idea to harness my powers, and I couldn't imagine the brainpower necessary to build gloves and handcuffs that could capture, transfer, and handle my electrical voltage. I was partially amazed and partially freaked out. 

Kylo took slow and measured steps around Aero. Aero twisted on his feet to continuously watch Kylo. 

Aero made the next move just as quickly as the first. Kylo could barely raise his saber to defend himself as Aero's voltaic gloves came careening towards my dark-haired knight.

Kylo was cast across the ground. His lightsaber skittered across the floor, fizzling back into it's handle, and Kylo was left defenseless. 

"I don't even need the electricity to finish this fight." Aero proudly announced as Kylo scrambled to his feet away from Aero, rushing towards the lightsaber. 

Before Kylo could take two steps in the direction of his weapon, Aero pulled his fist back and placed a strong punch to Kylo's back. The thudding sound when metal contacted Kylo made me coil backwards in empathetic pain. Kylo flew forwards in reaction to the power of the hit and when he landed on the ground he didn't move again. I desperately looked over Kylo's body on the floor, but I couldn't tell if he'd survived the blow or not. 

Aero walked over to Kylo's limp body and stood over him like he was a prize. Kylo was facing the ground. His hair was sprawled across his head and his limbs were splayed outwards at his sides. He was clearly unconscious. I was in utter disbelief. I wasn't sure if my heart was beating or not. It felt as if I were paused in a single second. 

Was Kylo Ren dead? Did Aero just kill him? 

Aero looked into a camera held up by an employee. I realized the entire fight had been recorded. 

"My name is Aero. I am the leader of the great Legions of Chrome. I have just defeated your previous --" Aero toed Kylo so he was onto his side and the camera could get a decent shot of his unconscious face, "-- ruler, as you watched. I will provide a more simple and fair means of life for you, if you agree to follow my laws. Do not forget my name. I will join forces with you for a better future." 

Seconds passed, and then the employee holding the camera proclaimed, "That's a wrap!"

No applause ensued. Aero turned to the remaining soldiers, colonels, and lieutenants standing up on the balcony. 

"I'm satisfied by these recent successes, but not satiated in the slightest. We still have work to complete within this galaxy. The public execution of the two leaders of the First Order awaits. We must hunt down the remains of their decrepit forces. Our reign must be established and officiated." Aero paused, surveyed his employees. 

Then the gleaming red monster continued, "And of course, treasures must be awarded. This entire situation was made possible by a single being who decided to join our forces and supplied us with the necessary information to take down the First Order. I will present them with a present of gratitude from the Legion of Chrome." 

I frowned, my eyebrows furrowing. Who would have made all of this possible? 

Aero walked away from Kylo's body and plucked his intricate lightsaber handle off of the ground. "I will give the weapon of the first fallen First Order warrior to the person who made all of this possible. This is a fit gift for them. We made a fair deal before exchanging information. They agreed to inform me of the First Order's plans and powers and in turn I agreed to train them under my wing as my official apprentice. I will make them into an excellent fighter, one who could rival Kylo Ren, and I will bestow a lightsaber of the enemy onto them as their first weapon." 

The room was silent, but at the same time the air was vibrating with anticipation. The soldiers surrounding me were desperate to know who would become Aero's apprentice, and would probably lead their ranks in war. I was desperate to find out who had foiled the First Order's plans and essentially forfeited Kylo Ren, my, and my children's lives. 

One of the shorter soldiers in the ranks began walking down the stairs. A slight smile grew on Aero's face as the soldier approached. The soldier knelt down onto a knee and bowed his head before Aero. Aero placed Kylo's lightsaber delicately into the extended palms of the soldier. 

The soldier stood to his feet and walked until he stood directly behind Aero's left flank, Kylo's lightsaber in hand. His face was still covered by a mask. I was itching to know who the traitor was -- I wanted to hurt whoever dared hold my husband's lightsaber. 

"Take your helmet off. You are no longer ranked as a soldier within the Legion of Chrome. You are the great Aero's apprentice." Aero instructed. The soldier then lifted the black helmet off of his head and set it on the ground. 

The blonde head of Giano looked stately forward from behind Aero, ready to assume his apprenticeship. 


Author's Note

Sorry for the short chapters for the last two they just have the most perfect endings haha!

So . . . Who expected the traitor to be Giano? 


See you later :)

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