Chapter 26

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"Kylo Ren, you will surrender your entire organization, starting with you and your wife. I demand this of you, or we will come for. I demand this of you, or I will come for you."


The message ended and the projection sucked back into the table.

Other council members turned their heads or swiveled their chairs to look to Kylo, but for several seconds I was frozen, staring at the spot where Aero's head had just been.

His words replayed in my head. Full surrender . . . Starting with you and your wife . . . Or I will come for you.

I felt like I was in slow motion as I turned to look up at Kylo. He stood at the front table, staring straight ahead.

Finally, he uttered quietly, "The entire council must evacuate the room with the exception of Nira and myself."

"What? We're not leaving! Not right now!" Someone argued partway down the table. Now I couldn't tear my eyes away from Kylo, who I desperately searched visually for some answer to the problem at hand.

 "Get out of here! Now!" Kylo shouted in a burst. Some council members were quick to get up and hurry out of the room. Others were more hesitant, but still complied, giving their supreme leader nervous glances over their shoulders on their way out. 

Finally the room was void except for Kylo Ren and I. 

He collapsed into his seat and covered his hands with his palms. "What do I do, Nira?" He murmured into his palms. 

I reached out and touched his forearm. Kylo dragged his hands down his face and looked at me through defeated brown eyes. 

"You can't give up. There's something we can do." I pleaded with him, and he only shook his head. 

"Are you sure, Nira? Because right now, nothing is coming to mind."

I was silent. I had no clue what to say to him. 

"He's going to kill everyone. He'll kill you. Me. Everyone." Kylo weakly spoke through his fingers, staring emptily at the table in front of him. 

"Don't say that! We have to try something!" I encouraged desperately, getting to my feet in an attempt to get a rise out of Kylo. 

If Kylo Ren gave up on the First Order, then the organization was surely doomed. But if we could even get a shrapnel of some haphazard plan then we stood a chance, however small. If he gave up now, then he was giving up on life. 

The danger of the situation set in and I could feel panic rising in my chest, filling me to the brim.

"You're right. Aero will kill everyone. But not if we don't act, and maybe not if we make him work for it!" I argued, trying to keep the anxiousness from showing in my words. 

It was as if Kylo couldn't even hear me. "It's over." He spoke in a cracked voice. 

I couldn't help what I did next. The stress of what was going down, the frustration of Kylo's simple surrender, the fear of the Legion of Chrome and Aero finally burst outwards from me. 

I quickly pulled my arm back and let it fly forwards, sharply and forcefully smacking Kylo across his face. His head snapped to the side. 

"Work with me here, dumbass!" I shouted in his face, "We have babies! You have me! You have people to protect on this base! You can't just give up! We --" I waved at myself and my oversized stomach, "-- are your family, Ben Solo! So snap the hell out of it and start brainstorming!" 

Kylo was staring at me with wide eyes, completely stunned. The shape of my hand was printed red on his cheek. 

"Okay," Kylo slowly replied, "Do you have any ideas?" 

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