I Am Overgirl

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The blood in my body felt like it had some sort of pulse.  The satisfaction of this soothing sensation felt amazing.  I felt better than I had ever been before, better than when Alex or Lena tried to comfort me.

I felt so secure, like nothing could hurt me.  So much power rushed through my brain, chest, arms, thighs, legs, feet, and back up again.  I stood at my window looking out at the city.

I decided to dig through my closet, where I found my old black suit with the emblem on the corner.  I quickly put it on and flew out the window to do some damage.

At the moment, I honestly didn't give a damn about how others felt.  I only cared about one thing and one thing only, power.  Control.  I wanted to be worshipped.  I deserved it.

I landed at a bar, where I completely destroyed everything in there.  I kicked over the tables and caught the wood on fire because of the alcohol.  Security showed up, but I drilled them against the wall.  The guards dropped to the floor, screaming in pain.

The looks on peoples' faces made me grin.  They looked horrified, as if their air supply had been taken away.

"Hey so, I'm kinda a big deal around here." I said in disgust at all the people.

"Aren't you... Supergirl?" Asked one of the many terrified aliens.

"I was Supergirl.  But I realize that I need be more like Overgirl.  So, in honor of Overgirl, I rename myself, Overgirl.  I am your ruler, and you must do everything I say.  Otherwise... well... you die.  Simple as that.  So do what I say or die, questions?  That's what I thought." I forced all of them to sit down and put their hands behind their heads, and to shut up.  Oh... Lena... she was on TV... talking about Supergirl...

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