Breaking Part: Twenty-six

Start from the beginning

"Part of it, yeah."

He's not ashamed to say the truth at all.

Hindi ba ang totoo naman ang gusto niya?

"And the rest?"

Uno exhaled before lifting his gaze to meet hers. "This is my way of saying sorry for what I said that day."

"You're here because I'm finally worth your time now, Romero?" She wanted to say that as a joke pero hindi niya nagawa. The feeling is still there no matter how much she tries to forget it. It stung.

"Look... I was caught up by my own feelings and what I said came out... wrong." He reached for her hand and instead of pushing him away, hinayaan niya lang ito. She can really see how he's struggling to let everything out. "I wanted to apologize to you that day in the hall pero hindi ko nagawa. Hindi ko na nagawa pang ulitin because you closed yourself off from me."

"Ano pa bang inasahan mo? You think I'd welcome you with open arms after saying that na parang walang nangyari? I'm not stupid, Uno. Hindi ko ipipilit ang sarili ko sa taong ayaw naman ako kasama. There's no point in hurting over people who doesn't want to stay, I've learned that a long time ago."

"I'm sorry, Ice."

We all have shortcomings and she can't hold it against Uno. After all, everyone deserves a second chance. You can never understand each other if you done accept both of your flaws.

He may not have told it to her directly at first but he showed it to her sa paraang alam niya.

"Apology accepted."

Uno's eyes widened in shock in how easy she accepted his apology. He must've expected the worst in this situation. Did he think she'll make him kneel and ask for forgiveness?

"Don't look so shocked." Ice rolled her eyes, trying to hide what she really feels. "I told you, there's no point in hurting over people who doesn't want to stay."

Was this enough to forgive him? Yes. Will he rile her up again? Maybe. Will she get mad at him again for doing the same thing? Probably. After this, is she strong enough to push him away? No.

"You're wrong." Uno squeezed her hand. "I'm staying. From this point on, I'm going to stay."

She squeezed his hand right back feeling his warmth. "How bold of you to say that. Is this your way of telling me to expect more from you? I'm not the best person to be with. I'm sure you know that." And I hate broken promises from people I trust, Romero.

"I've been the receiving end of your bad side before. I know what I'm getting myself into."

Ice shook her head. "You've seen nothing yet, Romero."

She thought he was going to let go but he pulled her in instead.

She buried her face in his neck as he wrapped his arms around her. He finally got what he wanted.

This is the first time she has been this close to Uno and she admits... she kinda likes it.

"Let me in, Ice. I want to be part of your life too."

She never imagined someone like Uno Romero would beg for something she gives to people naturally - that he has to go through all of this to get a simple hug, and say that to be the receiving end of her affection.

"You're already part of it, Uno."

No one asked for permission when they barge in her life. Thinking of what she gained, she can say that she really did not mind at all.

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