The promise

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'I am sorry, because of me you have gone through this tough part, sorry,' she said.'Don't be sorry, going into depression after losing someone is common, after few days everything gets well. You don't have to be sorry! I am sorry. How is your life?' he said.'Same, the first few months of my marriage, I wasn't happy, because all I feel was you around me. Later, I began to have an understanding with my husband we were almost like friends, enjoying our lives, watching movies together in the theater, going on vacations, and other stuff. But two years ago, he passed away because of cancer, and after that, my daughter became my only friend in my life,' she said with tears in her eyes. 'That's so sad! I am sorry for your loss,' he said while rubbing her palm, showing his sympathy.'Don't be! Don't show your sympathy towards me. When everyone came to know about this, they always show their sympathy. They never gave me the courage to be strong. I hate sympathies because they make me feel weak. Instead, try to encourage people in their life,' she blasted at him.'I am so sorry, I didn't know you became tough in life,' he said.'Life makes you tough in some situations. By the way, do you remember the one promise we made?' she asked. 'Which?' he asked, and then his daughter showed up at the café. He introduced her to Pallavi and said, 'Ana, this is your aunt Pallavi. We both have studied in the same college. Pallavi, I didn't forget the promise of keeping the name of our girl child as Anahita and boy as Karthik. We got married to different partners but still didn't break the promise,' he said.

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