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Hayden's POV
Scanning the group in front of me, I see two girls, and one boy. He stands tall and determined as he holds his gun, pointing directly between my eyes. His dark brown hair sits up on his head, a stark contrast to his fair skin. I contemplate calling Sage, letting her know there are new entrants to the West, but decide against it. I need to show her I am ready.

The oak doors creak as they close, eliminating the small source of light there was. The shadows grow from every corner as the small sliver of light the moon gives off casts an eerie glow over the West. The silence settling in once more, I close my eyes, triggering the burning sensation in my eyelids before opening them again. Now that I can see the group again, I realise they can't see me. The tall girl with the bow and arrow has lowered her weapon to her hips, squinting her eyes to see in the shadows. The boy has followed suit but still staring directly at me. The youngest one seems almost lost in the dark. Tilting my head, I can sense her fear. Their bright red bodies are stark contrast to the cold black stone surrounding them.
"What are you?" The youngest one whispers, bewilderment laced through her voice. I lift my chin before flicking my palms forward, feeling heat grow in my palms.

Without looking, I know that two balls of flames sit in my palms, licking at my fingers. But I do not feel burned. The flames burn everything. Except me. Everything around me is lighted with an eerie glow, casting shadows in every direction, reaching out at us. I see the young girl's eyes grow in shock as she sees the flame growing in my palms.

I take a step towards the newcomers, but they keep their ground. Good, I thought, they're not cowards. Thinking back to what Sage told me, I take another confident step forward before flicking my wrist down, letting a fire ball escape from my palms and land at their ankles with a soft sizzling noise. I see the eldest boy tilt his head almost challengingly as if to say is that it?

The youngest one seemed on edge, her calm exterior replaced by her fidgeting with the two throwing knives in her hands. I close my hands, growing the fire in my palms, before pushing them out, realising a fire ball towards the young girl's chest at a hurdling speed.

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