Bangtan day

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Chapter 8

1 month later...

Solna walked through the front door as she heard the tv playing.

She closed the door walking into the living room seeing five guys in the living room.

"Uhh...who are you?" She asks

They all looked at her until Jungkook walked in looking at her then to the guys.

"You're back early" jungkook says

"Yeah" She says

"Wh-who are your friends?" She asks

"You really don't watch tv" jungkook says rolling his eyes.

He walks closer towards her and grabbed her wrist pulling her towards the guys.

"HYUNG!" He said

"This is my fiancé, and wife to be, I thought it would be time for you to meet them" he looks at me

"What?" Solna questioned

"This is Namjoon, this is Hoseok,  this is Jimin, this Jin and this is Taehyung"

Jungkook had just introduced them to Solna then another guy pops out of nowhere coming into the living room.

"Jungkook who's this? Another one of your noo-"

Jungkook quickly shut his mouth and smiled a bit.

"And this is Yoongi, who likes to come up with weird stuff" he laughs

"Everyone this is Solna" jungkook says and held her hand

"Wow, and how long have you been keeping this from us?" Namjoon asks

"This was-!" Solna quickly spoke but jungkook covered her mouth with a smile.

"She's just so excited for the wedding she can't stop talking about it" jungkook says with a cheeky smile

"Ohh, so when's the wedding?" Jin asks

"In three weeks" jungkook smiles

"I would like it if you would all come" jungkook smiles

"Of course we will" Hoseok smiles

"So Solna excited? This man here is all yours, he's very popular with the girls and fans even though he gets shy sometimes" Jin smiles

Solna nodded but didn't believe it.

//Time skip\\

Solna Pov

After everyone had left, jungkook locked the door and walked over to me sitting next to me.

"Yes?" I asked as he stare at me

"I want you to hang out with my hyungs until the wedding to get to know them since we're going to be married, got it?" He asks

"Sure....what day?" I asked

"How about in two days?, meet them at a cafe we like, I'll drop you off" he smiles

"Wait, you're not coming?" I asked

He smiled at me...

"No, I have vocal lessons and errands" he says

"Ohh okay..." I say

"Don't be rude to them, they're my hyungs and I suggest you wearing a mask and a hat to protect yourself from getting any paparazzi taking pictures and starting drama alright?" He says

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