Welcome mortals

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Pov Dipper

Mabel and I were accepted to a high school that I don't remember applying as well. Mabel was beyond confused and excited.

We got this letter, it's penmentship was shown beautifuly with each letter. There was golden stamp on it and a ruby ridden.

" Mabel and Mason Pines, we are here to present you with a letter of expectance. We apologize that this letter took long to come to you. You have already been expected to Gravity Falls Talent Arts. Please go to the front office so we can officially meet you."

This was suppose to be given to us when we were freshmen. I can't believe they still want us. I can't believe it took a long time.

We've heard about this school. It's for the most talented people and it's hard to get in. It's well known and no one has ever gotten in, that's what we heard.

Mabel's talent is her fashion side because she can make anything beautiful. Even if your wearing a full on trash bag, she has you.

We see a large golden gate, this school is in the middle of the woods. I don't trust it.

"This looks shetchy." Mabel said.
"Please drop your letter inside the bin." We heard someone say.

We listened to the vocie that was coming out of nowhere. The gates opened and Mabel held my arm.

We went to the front office and I see everything. Demons, angles, half-creatures, mythical creatures, everything. Theses were all adults.

They all looked at us and stepped back. The woman looks at me. She leads us to another room and smiles at the both of us. She's half snake, which is amazing.

"Marshy!" She said.
"He's very interesting, he's a part of your hair isn't he? " I asked.
"One bit, he's just a piece the rest is actual hair." She smiled.

Marshy doesn't have very nice vocab to use. She kept on rolling her eyes at the small. She left once we went inside. I see a another female. She's an angel! Such beautiful wings.

"Hello Mason and Mabel." She smiled.
"Good afternoon." Mabel and I said.
"This is the school of arts we have here, you two will find this school very interesting." She said.
"I can tell. " Mabel said.
"Do you know why you're here? " She asked.
"Our talent? " Mabel said.
"Yes, you have an eye for fashion that is greater than you think." She smiled at Mabel.
"Thank you." She smiled.
"You Mason have a voice that is wonderful and you have another incredible gift." She said.
"...." I stood quiet.

I sing and people said its amazing, but I don't like to show off. My other gift is strange to me. I feel like I'm a monster sometimes.

"A little shy aren't we." She said.
"At times." I said.
"You and your sister were suppose to come here but paper work didn't come threw and we finally have you." She said.
"That's alright." Mabel said.
"This school is special you see." She said.
"You have angels, demons, half-creatures, mythical creatures, werewolves and many more." I said.
"You two are our first human students." She smiled.
"We are? " Mabel said.
"Yes! You two have a gift that need to be tamed and these humans schools won't do at all." She said.

She got up and so did we. She walked us around the campus. She showed us where will be staying. Females lived on one side of the building and the males lived on another side.

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