Who are These People? (JSE egos)

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Here's a little crappy thing I wrote in the fanfic chat of the JSE PMA Discord server inspired by all the "Who are these people?" things that've been going around tumblr after Jack's recent videos.

I'm not sure if you can even class this as a fanfic but he'll im putting it in anyway XD



Who are these people?

I don't understand...

They look like me..

...but...also don't.

Half of them wear masks.

What are they trying to hide?

Are they hiding from me?

Or themselves?

I can feel something in the back of my mind.

Driving me.

Controlling me.

Forcing me to grab a knife from the table.

I walk.

But my steps are not my own.

I pass other like me.

They mutter quietly.

Pulling their masks further up their faces.

Why are they hiding from me?

Who are they?

They're not what I need.

I need only one.

The one in white.

The doctor.

I walk up behind him.

And raise an arm that's not my own.

Blade shining in the light.

The one in white turns...

His mask facing me.

His eyes wide.

He talks funny.

What is that accent?

I can't remember.

It doesn't matter now though.

His white coat turns red.

Everything feels heavy.

And the blade doesn't shine anymore.

This body is not mine.

*He* is still controlling me.

I don't understand.

Neither does he.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2018 ⏰

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