Merry Glitchmas - An Ego Christmas Part 3 (FINAL)

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Anti and Dark woke to the sound of screaming.

Anti leaped out of bed, his heart pounding. What was going on?! Who was screaming?! He could hear Dark getting out of the bed too as Anti ran out the door. How could he have been so stupid?! How could he let his guard down?! He knew the others had been planning something!

Shit shit shit shit!! Was all Anti could think as he and Dark raced down the stairs.

However, once they got downstairs they were met with a very different scene to what they were expecting.

Instead of some bloody murder or violent attack, they were met with Jackaboy, Marvin, Bing, and Wilford, sitting by the tree and screaming with delight. And it didn't take long to see what they were screaming at: the tree was absolutely overflowing with presents – Dark counted at least 150 – with more presents in bright coloured wrapping brimming from each of the stockings. They were confused for a moment, until Jack emerged from the kitchen carrying a tray of steaming hot chocolate, wearing a god-awful bright green jumper that made Anti's eyes hurt.

"Oh, hi guys!" Jack called when he saw Anti and Dark standing on the stairs, "Come and join us! Everyone's unwrapping their presents! Your gifts are over there." Jack nodded his head in the direction of the presents. Anti and Dark looked and saw a mountain of presents in black wrapping paper, similar to the present Dark had gotten yesterday, in the corner of the room. There were so many the Dark could barely count them. In fact, there seemed to be more presents for the two of them than all of the presents for the other egos combined. Anti and Dark were stunned.

"Why...why is there so many of them?" Anti asked in disbelief as he and Dark made their way down the rest of the stairs and into the room.

"We felt bad for not giving you any gifts this past couple of years," Mark said, appearing from the kitchen wearing a red jumper as ugly as Jack's as Jack handed them all a mug of hot chocolate, "So we decided to make up for it by giving you all the ones we've missed at once. We've got a lot of catching up to do, after all..." Mark smiled as Jack took a mug for himself and laid the tray with the rest of the mugs on the table, "Years of it."

"What's all the noise?" said a voice from upstairs. They looked up to see Scheeple, Chase and Google coming down the stairs, with Robbie scampering down on all fours close behind, his new toy happily in his mouth. Schneeple and Chase still looked groggy, while Robbie was scrambling around everyone excitedly and Google was as stern as ever. They were all handed a mug of hot chocolate as they sat down to open their presents.

Robbie walked over to Anti, plopping himself next to him and rubbing his head on Anti's leg. Anti found himself smiling as he scratched behind Robbie's ear, making him purr.

"I...I don't know what to say..." Dark stammered, a smile forming on his face.

"Then don't say anything and get unwrapping!" Jack said loudly, grinning like an idiot, "Those presents aren't going to unwrap themselves!"

Dark and Anti took the hint, settling down with the rest of the egos to unwrap their gifts. Dark took the closest present to him and held it in his hands.

"Hey, Dark?" Anti said suddenly. Dark looked up.


"Merry Christmas," Anti said, a small smile forming on his face. Dark returned the smile.

"Merry Christmas, Anti." He replied.

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