He's a Bad Guy (JSE egos)

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(A/N: This story is basically about Chase and Anti as young kids, if that isn't clear. Enjoy!)

"Alright Chase, off you go! Have a nice day!"

Chase looked up as his mother ushered him through the school gates, then back at the playground in front of him. He tensed up as he watched the other children running around and playing, screaming and laughing as they did so. It was his first day at his new school after his parent's divorce, and he was terrified.

"Clint! Come on, dear! Leave Chad alone!" His mother called to a boy who looked the exact same as Chase, who was playing with another, much younger boy who was sat in a car seat in their car, which was parked outside the school gates. Chase's twin brother Clint said goodbye to their younger brother Chad and ran towards them. After some kisses goodbye, their mother walked back to the car and drove away, leaving the two boys standing at the school gates with nothing to do.

They were on their own.

As Clint ran into the playground almost immediately, saying hello to the first group of kids he came across and almost immediately being invited into their game, Chase hung back, his mind wandering to events of the past weeks.

None of the kids could've imagined that their parents would split up; they'd always seemed so happy together. The kids had heard of parents splitting up because they didn't love each other anymore, but none of them ever thought it would happen to them. But still, it did, and what followed was a legal mess as both parents battled over custody of the children. After their mother eventually won (to the disappointment of Chase) they had been forced to move, which meant a new house, new friends, and most importantly a new school.

Chase was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't realize that he was about to walk into someone until they collided. Chase's senses snapped into overdrive as he found himself falling over. Once he hit the ground, he looked up to see another boy on the floor with him. This boy, however, caught Chase by surprise.

This boy looked exactly like Chase; same green hair, same blue eyes, and even the same body stature and build as him. However, this boy was wearing all black and his hair was a slightly darker shade of green. Apart from that though, they were the exact same person. When the boy looked up to see Chase staring at him, the boy jumped and scrambled back with wide eyes. The most interesting part of this was that parts of his body seemed to be...jerking. No, not jerking...glitching? Chase wasn't sure if he saw it properly, but it seemed like the boy's body was constantly glitching and moving around sporadically.

The two of them continued to stare at each other for a moment before Chase suddenly realized that the boy's bag had fallen to the floor, and books and pens were spilled all over the ground. After staring for another moment, both boys moved to pick up the books. As the boy picked up his books, he couldn't bring himself to look Chase in the eyes, instead hiding behind his fringe. Chase also picked up the books and pens, trying to catch the boy's eyes but being unable to. Once everything was picked up, both boys stood up and Chase handed the books over with a smile. The boy paused, unsure whether to trust Chase, but after a moment he took the books hiding behind his fringe even more. However, Chase caught a glimpse of a small smile forming behind the green fringe.

Once the boy had put his books back in his bag, the two of them just stood there, staring at each other once more. After a moment, Chase spoke up.


The boy mumbled a response that sounded something like a hello as he put his head down even further and wrapped his arms around himself.

"What's your name?" Chase asked slowly. The boy mumbled something else as another glitch shot through the boy's body; his head jerking and his skin becoming a shade of green for a couple of seconds.

"W-what did you say?" Chase asked, still a bit unnerved by the glitching, "I didn't hear you."

"Anti." The boy muttered, his body language closing up more.

"Anti?" Chase repeated, "Anti...I like that name!"

"You do...?" Anti muttered, speaking a little louder and finally looking up to meet Chase's eyes.

"Yeah!" Chase replied, taking a step towards him in a strange surge of confidence, "I've never heard a name like that before. I like it! My name's Chase, by the way."

Anti chuckled quietly, starting to feel more confident in himself too. However, as he laughed, another glitch struck him, causing his head, his mouth and one of his arms to jerk and his skin to go green once more. This sudden movement made Chase jump back, sending the confidence he'd gained to falter. Once the glitch was over, Anti staggered back, hugging himself tighter and squirming in regret.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He mumbled as he stepped away.

"No! No! It's ok! It's ok!" Chase said, moving quickly and putting a hand on Anti's shoulder to avoid him from running away, "It's fine!"

Anti looked at him with wide eyes for a moment, before finally relaxing slightly and staying still.

"Why...why do you do that, by the way?" Chase asked slowly, not wanting to offend his newfound glitchy friend.

"I...I don't know..." Anti said quietly, continuing to mumble through his fringe, "I can't help it. It just happens sometimes..."

"Oh...ok." Chase said, "That's fine! Do you want to play a game?"

"That's...fine...?" Anti said, looking up again and looking Chase dead in the eyes, "You don't mind it?"

"Of course not!" Chase said, "Why would I care?"

Before Anti could answer, a shadow fell across the two boys, causing Anti to curl up and hide behind his fringe once more. Chase turned around and found himself face-to-face with a woman. She was wearing rather smart clothes and had some folders under her arm. She was giving Anti a rather strange look, but once she realized Chase was looking at her confused, she turned to him.

"Oh, hello!" She said, giving him a sweet smile, "You must be one of our newest students! I've been looking for you and your brother all over!" It was then Chase noticed Clint was stood a few feet behind her. "Now, come on! I've got a lot to show you!"

"But...what about Anti?" Chase asked, "I was talking to him and I don't think he has any other friends and-"

"Come with me now!" The woman said, still keeping the sweet tone of voice but staring at Anti again with what looked like...fear? Chase wasn't sure. However, before Chase could protest, the woman took him by the hand and was leading him and Clint away.

"Now then, what's your name?" The woman asked Chase.

"Um...Chase..." Chase said quietly, looking down at the floor in sorrow.

"Chase! That's a lovely name!" The woman said stiffly, trying to sound comforting.

"Why couldn't Anti come with us?" Chase said quickly.

"Who's Anti?" Clint asked.

"Now Chase..." the woman said, crouching down and looking Chase in the eye. She paused for a moment, unsure how to explain what she wanted to say to him. "I know Anti seems like a nice kid, and I know he seems lonely, but he's...he's dangerous, Chase."

"Dangerous? How?" Chase protested, "He didn't do anything to me!"

"I know, I know," the woman replied, "He may not have done anything to you, but he's not as nice as he may seem. He's hurt a lot of people, kids and adults alike. He's...troubled. We've been trying to get him help but for now, it's safer if we keep everyone away from him. So please, Chase, I need you to be careful with him, ok? He's...a bad guy."

Chase kept his gaze down at the floor and nodded.

"Thank you." The woman said, standing back up and taking his and Clint's hands once more.

As the woman lead them away from the playground, Chase glanced back and saw Anti still stood in the middle of the playground. As their eyes met, Chase gave a little wave and a smile. Anti didn't return either of the actions, instead turning and lowering his head, shoving his hands in his pockets and walking away. Chase couldn't see, but as Anti walked through the playground, noting that everyone took a step away from him as he passed, a tear rolled down his cheek and splashed on the concrete.

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