That Is MY Chair... (JSE egos)

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This was inspired by the ending of the "100% Real Doctor" video (spoilers I guess?) and the theory going around that Dr. Jack is a puppet created by Anti to play on Schneeple's fears of being replaced (that and also the "look at expressions" theory I just reblogged on Tumblr). I'm sorry if it's really shitty it was written in like half an hour while I was still shaking over the ending of the Stories Untold video. Enjoy!


Creak, creak, creak.

He took a shaky breath as he crept up the stairs. With every step he took, a familiar voice grew louder and clearer.

Breathe in, breathe out.

The hand that gripped the knife shook violently, the knuckles white as ashes.

Creak, creak, creak.

With a few more steps, he had finally reached the top of the stairs, the voice coming from the room ahead clear enough from him to understand the words it was saying.

"-medical marvels! They never cease to amaze me! As a real, true doctor-"

His fists clenched tighter than before, but he steadied himself. It angered him to hear that...he was hesitant to call it a man...that thing calling himself a real doctor, but at the same time it saddened him. Whatever that thing was, it thought it was real. It had no idea what bigger part it was playing in all of this.

It had no idea it was just a puppet.

Dr. Schneeplestein glanced down at the shining blade in his grip, his heart heavy. Everything he was about to do was not just going against his role as a doctor, but his own morals.

If he did this, he would be no better than that demon.

The doctor stopped just outside the door of Jack's recording room and took another shaky breath. Every ounce of him was screaming at him to run, to crawl away back into hiding as he had done for the past nine months, to go back to being a coward and watching as he was replaced and mocked by that imposter, but for the first time, he ignored it. He was not going to hide anymore. He was not going to sit back and watch that glitch replace him with...this.

He was finally going to face his fears.

As he crept a little closer, heart racing, he heard the puppet say something else:

"You're in the strong, capable handsome hands of the very real Dr Jack-"

At this, Henrik had had enough. With a surprising surge of confidence, he shouted out loud, "Vhat are you doing?!"

There was a short, shocked silence before the imposter replied, "What?!"

Henrik opened the door, knowing if he paused even for a second, he would lose this confidence. He was met by the shocked face of the imposter that called himself "Dr Jack", sitting in the green chair with a surgery game up on the screen.

"Who are you?!" The imposter said, eyes wide.

"I am ze good doctah..." Henrik replied, his voice shaking, "And zhat, is MY chair!" With this, he held up the knife in a trembling hand.

"Whoa, whoa, what?!" The imposter said, throwing his hands up in a feeble attempt to defend himself, "I-I don't understand! What's happening? Who are you? D-don't hurt me, please!"

"You von't cannot ever understand..." Henrik said, the knife unwavering, "All you need to know is zhat I am doing vhat I must to have a chance against something much more powerful zhan you."

He took a step forward, knife still unwavering, as the puppet leaned back in his chair slightly, frozen, eyes wider than before.

"" the puppet whimpered.

"I am sorry, my friend..." Henrik said quietly, a tear rolling down his cheek.

With this, he attacked, throwing himself on the puppet and knocking him to the floor. The imposter yelled, screamed, struggled, but it was no use. Henrik raised the blade high and brought it down into the puppet's chest, sending blood splattering into his face. The puppet screamed and writhed, spluttering and choking replacing the cried for before. Again, and again the doctor raised the knife and brought it crashing down into the chest and stomach of the imposter, and again and again, the imposter struggled and cried, his screams echoing in the once good doctor's ears.

Finally, the struggles got weaker, and finally, the puppet lay still, one last breath wheezing out of him. A single hand clenched for a moment – a final attempt to save himself – before it too fell still.


Henrik sat, straddled over his victim, completely still, staring blankly into the colorless eyes of the face that resembled his best friend. His face was damp, not only with blood but with tears that continued to stream down his face. A lump formed in his throat, and he chocked, putting a bloody hand over his mouth to silence the cries as he wept silently at what he had done.

The only comfort he could find was that this poor soul, whether human or otherwise, was now free of that demon's control. But at the same time, Henrik has just made himself into a massive target. In a fleet of desperation, he considered plunging the knife into his own chest but decided against it. His friends needed him. Jack needed him. And that demon needed to be stopped.

Slowly, Henrik stood up, his trousers clinging to the front of his legs with blood but stopped dead when he heard a very familiar giggle.

"I must say, I am impressed..." he suddenly heard a high-pitched voice say from behind him, "I really wasn't expecting to see you again. And what's more, I'd never have thought you'd have the gall to do something like this...for the first time I really am shocked.

Henrik said nothing, not moving as he heard footsteps slowly walking up behind him.

"But that doesn't change the fact that you just killed my prised puppet and completely messed up my plan." Antisepticeye said, creeping closer to Henrik with every word, "Which, as you can imagine, does not bode well for you."

Finally, Henrik turned around and met with the point of a knife, and a glitchy green smile connected to it. In response, he raised his own bloodied one and narrowed his eyes.

"I have hidden away in fear of you for far too long." He said, that strange confidence returning, "But no more. I am sick of vatching you hurt my friends. I am sick of vatching you torture Jack, and I. Am. Sick. Of vatching you mock me."

He took a defiant step towards Anti, who in turn cocked his head and smiled wider.

"Zhis time, I am not going to run away. And zhis time, I am stronger. And if I am going to die right here by your hands, then so be it!"

Henrik's gaze didn't move from the darkest pits of Anti's eyes. He could swear he could almost see glimmers of jack in those eyes, fighting for control, shouting at him to run, pleading Anti not to hurt him.

He hoped it was just wishful thinking.

"At least then I will have almost fulfilled my role as a doctor and saved people by giving them a chance to escape, right?" He continued, more to himself than Anti, even though he knew that statement could never be true.

As Dr. Jack's body continued to bleed out, the two alive men stood still in the middle of the room, knives raised, staring at each other eye to eye. Henrik took a deep breath in, let it out slowly, and steadied his grip on the knife as Anti giggled.

Remember me fondly, friends, he thought.

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