New Bodies (JSE egos)

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(A/N: This is the sequel to Old Friends! If you haven't read it yet, you can read it here:

Anyway, enjoy!)

Chase couldn't bring himself to look up from the good doctor's body as Anti continued to laugh. None of this felt real. Everything seemed to have gone into slow motion, and all sound seemed to have become a blur of white noise. As he stared into Schneeple's blank eyes, he was barely aware of Jackieboy shouting, and of Marvin trying desperately to hold him back as he attempted to lunge at Anti in anger. He was barely aware of Marvin being pushed aside by the enraged hero, and of Jackieboy shooting up into the air and shooting himself like a middle at Anti. He was barely aware of Anti dodging the attack with ease, turning and sending Jackieboy flying across the room and into a far wall. He wasn't even fully aware of the fact that Anti was now stood right behind him, and the fact that Marvin was screaming at him to get out of the way. There was nothing that Chase could do other than sit and stare at his friend's body.

First his children, now his best friend.

If Anti was going to kill him right there, then so be it. At least then he could join his family and friend once more.

As soon as he closed his eyes and prepared for his incoming death, he suddenly felt himself being shoved to the side, tearing him away from Schneeple's body. This sudden jolt shot through his body, kicking all of his senses into overdrive and forcing his eyes open. As he crashed to the ground, he looked up to see Marvin on top of him. Marvin pushed away almost immediately, staring down at Chase with wide eyes. Chase could hear a struggle going on behind Marvin, but couldn't see what was happening.

"Are you insane?!" Marvin shouted, gripping Chase's arms tightly.

"I..." was all Chase could say, words struggling to come back to him, "I-I didn't..."

Marvin didn't seem to care too much about the answer, however, as before he knew it Chase was being hauled to his feet. Now he was up, he could see Jackieboy and Anti fighting. Chase reached for his gun, wanting to help, but was surprised when his hands were met with air. Then he remembered his gun was lying on the floor somewhere; thrown to the side during his fight with Anti.

"We need to get out of here!" Marvin said, starting to drag Chase away as he looked for his gun, "Jackieboy will hold them off for as long as he can, but right now we need to leave!"

"We can't just abandon him!" Chase said, his mouth finally deciding to work, "Anti will kill him if we leave him here!"

"We have no choice!" Marvin argued, "We can go and get help while Jackie holds Anti off! Trust me!"

"Jackieboy won't be able to hold him for long!" Chase protested, refusing to move and still scanning the entire room for his gun.

"Then stop arguing with me and move!" Marvin screamed, "We're running out of-"

Before Marvin could finish, Anti threw Jackieboy off of him and turned, staring Chase straight in the eye. Chase and Marvin froze.

"Should've run while you had the chance!" Anti giggled before lunging at Chase.

It all happened so quickly.

In the span of a few seconds Anti lunged at Chase, Marvin shot a white ball of energy out of his wand, the shot narrowly missed Anti, brushing his hair, Chase found himself falling back and before he knew it he was pinned under Anti''s body with those piercing black eyes staring down at him. He struggled and kicked and cried out but nothing could move the weight on top of him. Anti smiled, leaning in close as he bared his teeth at his defenseless victim.

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