Chapter 9: Dinner With Duke Charles

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"Not even I have, Emalia. Maybe Rosie has been experimenting a little more in the kitchen then she usually does. I would not mind a tad bit if she never stopped experimenting like this in the kitchen. I could eat like this for the rest of my years to come and never get sick of her cooking."

"Me as well, Charles."

After we finish devouring our meal, I turn towards him. "Charles, I have found out a few things about myself and my feelings today. I have also been doing a lot of thinking. I do like you for sure, you are a very kind and undeniably generous man for letting me stay here and do as I please..."

"Is there something wrong, Emalia?"

"No, I just, I am not quite sure where you stand in all of this. I do know that you make me feel things that I have never in my life felt before, but I don't know what to think of that. This is all very confusing to me because I never had the showing me to the world party or ball or whatever you choose to call it. I don't understand, I never met any other men besides you and my father. So, all of this is new to me, Charles. I need your patience and your help."

"I will help however I can, Emalia. How can I help first?"

"I.... How do you feel about me? Like, how do you really feel about me, Charles. I want to know if you feel the same way that I am feeling. If you do then maybe it won't be so confusing."

"Emalia, I care for you, very deeply. I want to keep you safe from any kind of harm there is. I do not think of you as a sister though, I think of you as more then that. I like you too, Emalia. I think that I might even love you. I say might because love is a confusing feeling, it's hard to tell if you are actually feeling it or not. That is how I feel about you, my sweet Emalia."

I blush at his last words. "You are so cute when you blush like that, Emalia."

I giggle at that comment. "Oh, Charles, you amuse," I smile at him. "I am glad that you feel the same. It makes things a little less confusing, knowing that it is not just me feeling this way for you, but also you for me. I have written my thoughts down today and started to sort through them and answer some of the questions that I have about the way that I am feeling. I may not be ready to marry soon, but I am ready to admit that I do care for you and I do like you."

He smiles a wide smile at me, "I am glad to hear that, Emalia. I am happy for you that you have found some understanding today. I will  continue to allow you the time that you need to think. I will not interrupt you like I did no today."

"Thank you, Charles, that is very kind of you."


"Yes, Charles?"

"Would you happen to feel ready to tour the rest of my land this evening? You needn't say yes if you do not wish to. Do not feel the need to spare my feelings, just tell me what you wish to do."

"I wish, Charles..... To go and tour the rest of your land, with you as my guide." I smile my biggest smile at him. He smiles back and stands up from his chair and hugs me. "Oooff." I laugh at him and hug him back. 

 He lets go of my, ending the hug, much to my displeasure and takes my hand. He helps my to stand up and together we walk to the front door. He opens it for me, letting go of my hand to do so. We walk out into the sun light of the beautiful clear skied day and he shuts the door firmly with a clunking sound. He turns to me and smiles, taking my hand in his once more, he leads me out toward the west of his property.I see a lot of trees over there. Maybe there is something hidden behind them that he wishes to show me.

 We make pleasant and quiet small talk about little things, like our hobbies and our favourite colours. We talk about our families. I am surprised to have learned that his family was not like in tradition. They did not follow every single strict rule there was here, quite the opposite actually. His sister had gotten married to a man that she first fell in love with and her parents supported it one hundred percent. They had even suggested an engagement before the couple even talked about it. 

His family, as I have heard, was very kind and they were very generous people, just like Charles is. Maybe it was passed down to him, in his genes, from his parents. It seems to me that from what he has told me, every member of his family was just as generous. With love and money and clothing and blankets. They would give everything for each other. 

 I also returned the favor and told him about my family, about my parents and my cousins and my friends. I told him a bunch of funny stories that had happened during my childhood with my family or my friends. And also telling him about some embarrassing moments of mine. It felt good though, and oddly comforting to share some of my experiences and some of my life with him. 

 When I notice where we are, I look around and see that same line of trees, but this time it is behind us not in front of us. "Where are you taking me?" I ask Charles.

"There is a little place out here, where I used to hide when I was a kid. I still come out here whenever I want to be alone or get away from my home and my life for a little while. It helps to clear my mind and helps me think. I wanted to show you so that, if you ever feel too crowded in my home or you feel like no one will leave you alone when that's all that you want. I was thinking that if you wanted to, you could use this place . You could come out here and no one will come after you. Rosie knows that when I come out here, I've just had too much to deal with and I need my time and space.  So, if you come out here, she won't go after you or try to stop you, she will let you be."

"Thanks, Charles, that is so kind of you. You are so sweet, thank you for all of this," I say twirling around and raising my hands to the sky. "It is all so beautiful and I would love nothing more then for it to be my home, for it to always be my home."

"I am happy to hear that you feel that way, Emalia." he smiles, a wide grin, reaching from one of his ears to the other ear. It makes me smile back at him. "Oh, Emalia," he says looking away from me and straight forward, "Here it is, ma Cherie."

"What is here?" I ask turning my head to face the way his does and my gaze following suit. I spot a small little hideout shack, although it doesn't look to be that old, I am sure it has been standing for longer then what it looks like in age. "Oh, it's the place you were talking to me about only moments ago, right?"

"Right you are, Miss Emalia. This was my own personal hideout as a young boy. I told you, what is mine is yours," he looks at me when he says that, his face turning gravely serious, "You may use it as you please and to your every advantage. I promise that even I, will not disturb you if you come out here, wishing to be alone. I will respect your wishes as long as you are here."

My eyes start to water, "Oh, Charles, this is all so much, it's nearly too much. You are so generous with your time and your space. I will never be able to properly thank you for everything you have supplied to me, to my every whim."

"Oh, Emalia, but you already have You have already paid me more than I ever expected to get back from this bargain. Do not think for a moment that you won't be able to pay your debt to me, that you might have to give up something extravagant like yourself or your life. No, you may give those willingly, if it pleases you to do so, but I will not even ask for them."

"Oh, Charles, you are the most perfect man here, for that I am the most certain." I wrap my arms around his neck and hug myself close to him, pulling him closer then he has ever been. Tears stream from my eyes as I hold onto him tighter than ever. 

"Oh, Emalia, you most definitely have paid back your debt to me, so much so, that I am hardly sure that you even had a debt to me. You have paid back more than enough for a lifetime of debts to me, by all of you affection. All of the affection you have showed me in the few days you have been here, has paid your debt in more than full. In the truth of things, I am now in your debt, a debt that I am certain I won't be able to pay."

"Charles, you make me feel the way that you say I make you feel. You are in no debt to me, that I can promise."

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter too!!!!!!! I know it's another cliffhanger, but there were some resolutions happening just now so, be happy about that. 


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