2: Event Notification

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A/N Vortex Wolves for the purposes of my story. Image from free use poses by skulldog on Deviant Art.

Afira had just picked up some groceries and was walking home when he got the texts.

He looked at his phone seeing event notifications from the virtual reality game he's been playing, Dawn of Reason.

He had received three in quick succession. The first seemed to be an official event release notification from the game company. The second was from Gramma Nina, an NPC he knew from starter town. The third was another NPC but this one he didn't recognize.

For a while, he just stared at his phone in surprise. The event notification I get, but the other two? Isn't that seriously weird? How can NPCs text me?

He opened the text from Gramma Nina first.

[Afira my dear boy I have an important favor to ask. It seems my sweet granddaughter Tilly has gotten herself into trouble. She went to Hayden town to sell this months herb crop. Hayden town will be besieged by Vortex Wolves soon. I'm so worried about little Tilly. Please get to Hayden town and act as a guard for her until the Vortex Wolves have been drawn away.]

Oh! I see, like a special side quest. That makes some sense then, nodding his head. He decided it was probably fine and reasonable.

Next, he opened the official game notice taking a quick glance. The event would begin in three days. After the regular weekly update. There was a listing of goals and rewards to achieve during the event. He briefly scanned through and lost interest.

The third text was from an NPC in Hayden. Their title is Blade Master Rinai. Is it a woman? Hmm, Blade Master, that sounds pretty cool. Afira thought as he clicked it open.

[Greetings Hero of the outside world. You may have heard Hayden town will be besieged. I would inquire if I could party with you in assisting the villagers.]

Oooh, that's new. I can form a party with an NPC!? A Blade Master even. Sounds promising. Do I just reply to the text? Or contact in the game?

He completely forgot his unease about NPCs contacting him on his phone in his excitement over finding a new aspect of the game. 

[Thanks for the invite. I am planning to head for Hayden this evening. Where can we meet?]

Better let Gramma Nina know I'm accepting her request as well.

[Don't worry Gramma. I'll head for Hayden town right away. I'll make sure little Tilly is safe.]


He could just see the apartment building he owned as he continued on his way. He walked by slowly, looking over everything to be sure it was all in order for his tenants. His own place was at the back of the lot. A little two bedroom cottage his grandfather had built. Afira's father had added the apartments to the property when Afira was a little boy.

Afira made himself breakfast alone like always since his parents died. He then washed the dishes and tidied up his small kitchen.

He checked his phone again before he settled down to enter Dawn of Reason and meet his soon to be party member. He'd be meeting the Blade Master Rinai on the outskirts of Hayden town.

He had logged off pretty far from there but he could use one of the travel tokens he had been saving. He was way too excited to meet this NPC to take the time to travel any other way.

Arriving at the meeting spot, he noticed a tall figure with multiple belts low on the waist accentuating the hips. Multiple scabbards with various swords attached. He was pretty sure it was a woman now with long pale pink hair waving in the breeze slightly. Wearing a long half skirt? type of clothing reaching the ankles at the back and shorter in the front. Fitted pants with boots up to the mid-calf. A short jacket with fur at the neckline. 

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