“I´m coming, meet me at your car.” I yelled back.

“Fine” She yelled, walking happily to the parking lot. I glared at her; my grumpy mood was all her fault. I walked until I arrived to my locker; I changed books and walked to the parking lot, still looking at the floor avoiding any type of eye contact. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn’t noticed the feet in front of me. Then I slammed into someone and started falling, I manage to yelped and prepare for the impact, but me hitting the floor never happened, because two strong arms had prevented my fall.

 “Thank you” I said, breathlessly. I looked up and I was surprised to see Matt, the second most popular and hottest guy in our grade. And I that was trying to avoid any type of attention, I thought.

“No problem” he said helping me to stand up. We stood there in an awkward silence, until I broke it by saying.

 “Well I have go or my friend is going to kill me” I said stepping away from him, I grabbed my backpack form the floor. I tried hiding my red cheeks with my hair, but I think I failed miserably since he was grinning mischievously at me.

“Sorry, I didn´t catch your name?”  He said, making it sound as a question.  

“Abby, nice too meet you Matt.” I said with a wink.

“Guess I don´t need to present myself” he said smirking.

“Nope, no need” I replied. He stared walking to the parking lot, I walked with him. Then I saw in his handsome face a spark of recognition

“You are Derek´s twin sister aren’t you?” He said, smiling proud that he knew something about me. I nodded.

“Well, I need to go” I said as we arrived to the parking lot, Ashley was screaming like a crazy woman, telling me to go with her. I flushed and looked up at Matt.

 “Yeah, bye” He said. I walked away with a final wave and entered Ashley´s car.

“Oh my god you were talking to Matt” she exclaimed.

“Yeah I noticed” I said, ignoring the look that says tell me everything this instant that she was directing at me at the moment.

“What is the song that you´re dying to hear today?” I asked her. She thought about it for a second.

“I t has to be Panic, is one of their best songs!” She answered; we continued talking about random stuff, until we got to the place where the concert was going to take place. We went near the speakers and the stage. Ashley wanted to be as closed to the stage as possible. We kept on talking and fooling around as more and more people went into the arena, after a while the band that was opening for Open Doors started playing, they were pretty good and with their excitement got everyone prepared for the real concert. Then the light´s where turned off and seconds after a big explosion of fireworks occurred, it illuminated the sky and made the ground vibrate. The a ray of light was directed to the stage, there four really hot guys were standing, each holding their designated instrument or microphone.

“Hello everyone! I´m Dylan, these are Austin and Mike! ” One of them screamed into the microphone, pointing at each guy as he said his name, the crowd screamed.

“And if you don´t know yet are we are OPEN DOORS!” Dylan screamed. Right on cue Austin and Mike started playing and then Dylan started singing. They sang song after song, the public sang along, swaying their arms rhythmically. I have to admit that the concert wasn’t as bad as I had pictured, that doesn´t mean I think their music is good; they still have pretty bad music.

“Ok this is our last song for the night, but before we start playing it we have a surprise for you guys!” Everyone yelled again, how do they still have voices? I thought. Ashley screamed beside me almost blowing my ear off.

When everyone shut their mouths he continued “We have chosen one concert ticket, you must be asking yourself: but what will I win? Well I´ll just say it includes Austin, Mike, me our lucky winner a tour Bus and 24 days TOGETHER!” He screamed into the microphone. Everyone yelled in unison Oh god I think I just became deaf! I thought, how could they be so excited about it?  The probabilities that they win are like 1%!  I thought. Ashley turned to look at me; she was so happy that she could probably pass out from excitement.

Dylan kept talking, “We´ll call our winner in two weeks time. Now that we finished telling you this, we are going to play… Panic!”  They crowed screamed in appreciation and the band started playing. We were having such a great time, I realized that it doesn’t really matter what you are doing in the moment but who you are with. I smiled as I saw Ashley jumping up and down, singing with all of what she got, I chuckled grabbed her hand and started singing with her, even if I don´t like the band I know almost all of their songs since they are always in the radio and Ashley loved to listen to them.

When the concert finished we went into Ashley´s car, she was smiling like never before, replaying her favorite parts of the concert.

“Oh my god, it was the best concert ever! I think I´ve never yelled so much before“ She said hoarsely, her voice had gone away with the band.

“Yeah I´m sure you haven’t yelled so much, ever” I said with a knowing smile.  She giggled and started the car, we moved swiftly across the road. After sometime we started talking about the Open Door´s announcement.

“I want to win it” Ashley said, her eyes become unfocused as she pictured it in her mind.

“Yeah I know you do” I said in a calm voice.

“I almost can imagine it! It would be so awesome to be around the hottest 4 guys in the whole planet, I wonder if they will sing him or her a song when they are on tour” She said all excited.

“It´s not that big of a deal, four hot dudes, wow” I said

“You know it´s true and don´t use sarcasm on me, plus they sing so that makes them a whole lot cuter!” I laughed.

“Oh please! Don´t tell me that. Those guys could be a bunch of weirdoes as far as I know, and the only thing you think about is how hot they are and that you love how they sing!”

“Well yeah” she said and then laughed. When we got to Ashley’s home I said goodbye, and went to my house. 

“I´m home!” I yelled to Derek and Jill.

“Yay, she´s home, hurry up Derek!!!” Jill yelled from somewhere in the house.

“Going Jill” Derek said with a sleepy voice.

“Hey guys I said hugging them, what happened Derek you look tired.” I said, looking at him.

“I don´t look tired, I´m am tired, she made me run all over the house.” He said glaring at Jill, who just smiled innocently at me

“You guys are so weird, I´m also tired so I´m going to sleep you too Jill.” I said, Jill shook her head, no.

“It´s only like 11 pm, and tomorrow is Saturday!” She said with a pleading voice. She made the puppy dog look at me, I sighed.

“Fine you can stay awake doing what you want. But don´t get near the kitchen you know what happened last time.” I said shaking my head. We had left her alone for about half an hour a couple of years ago, when Derek and I came back the kitchen was practically destroyed… she had tried to bake herself some cookies. We had to replace almost all the cabinets and the toaster.

“Deal” She said running to the couch, she turned on the TV and took her shoes off lazily placing her arms behind her back. I shook my head and went to my room I changed into a pair of short shorts and a tee that said if I´m sleeping don´t wake me up, I´m being happy that way! I brushed my teeth and checked on mum and dad, they both where in the bed snoring loudly, I giggled and went into my room; I got into bed and fell asleep in seconds.


Hi guys! J I hope you enjoyed the chapter, please remember to vote. Comment. Fan. Leave feedback.

Thanks!! If you see any errors please point them out to me, I´m trying to edit this story so I would appreciate your help.


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