Fake Love - Luke Hemmings

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"So tell why I have to do this again" I sighed waiting for the boys to give me a valid reason.

"Because Ella's been getting a lot of hate recently and the fans have shipped you and Luke for ages now" Michael explains but I'm still not convinced.

"You all know I hate Luke, so no" I stand and walk away but I feel someone grab my wrist.

"Can you come with me for one second?" Ashton asks but doesn't let me reply, instead dragging me into the other room. He shuts the door behind him and locks it.

"Look, I know you hate Luke's guts but its really important to him. He loves Ella and hates seeing her upset. You never know, if you do this for Luke maybe he wont hate you as much" He says calmly whilst I sit and take in the words he just spoke. I didn't care if Luke would hate me less. I never want to be friends with that arsehole. Ashton looks at me with pleading eyes and I sigh once again.

"For how long" I ask slightly worried that it will have to be for a longer period of time.

"I don't know, but its not like you two will actually be dating. Its just a cover up, you wont have to do anything with him if you don't want" He reassures me and I chuckle. There was no way I was going to be spending time with him if I didnt have to

"Ok fine. But if hes more of a bastard than he usually is, im calling it off. I don't care about Ella or him" I tell him and storm out the room. Just as I slam the door I bump into the one person I really didn't want to see right now. I scoff and continue to walk away.

"So I guess were dating now" He calls down the hall and I turn to see a smirk on his face.

"Whatever, I still hate you" I shout and walk into my room. Why me. Just because I live with the boys and the fans ship me and that bastard doesn't mean that I have to do it. Ella deserves it anyways. After cheating on Luke twice and telling the fans she hates them, she can't exactly expect them to bow at her feet

"Hey, you ok" I hear Calum's whisper through the door

"Yeah I guess, come in if you want" I laugh. He slowly opens the door and enters my room. Calum and I were quite close. It was the same with all the boys really, well all except one. He sits on the bed and looks at me smiling.

"It wont be that bad, its only in public. Then you can go back to hating eachother when theres no camera around" He says and I giggle.

"I know, I just hate that it has to be him. Why cant it be you or Ash?" I ask whining, letting my body fall back onto the bed.

"Because we don't have girlfriends who are sluts and hate our fans" He says and I laugh loudly. It was so true. Calum laughes along with me and Michael enters the room.

"What you goofs laughing about?" he askes whilst sitting on the desk next to my bed.

"Oh nothing, just stupid things" I say trying to recover from my laughing fit

"Ella?" He asks and me and Calum burst into laughter again. We all know eachother so well.

"Speaking of her shes coming round soon" He sighes and me and Calum sit up again.

"Oh fun!" I say sarcastically. She was probably only coming round to snog the face off of Luke. Disgusting. Suddenly the doorbell rang and we all got up from where we were sitting.

"Here we go" I say walking into the corridor and to the front door. I opened it to see Ella standing with her arms crossed and hip to one side.

"God, took you long enough Tessa" She says with an attitude pushing past me. She is wearing a far too low cut crop top and some short shorts. She looks like a prostitute on a night out. And she got my name wrong!

Fake Love - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now